
HERE are the 16 Republicans that Just Voted In Line With Dems

Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX) took to the House Floor on July 28th bearing a great weight upon his shoulders. Rep. Roy shouldered the burden of the American peoples’ anger and he unleashed it upon the House, and 16 Republicans turned their backs on him. But the mainstream media as usual is only telling half of the story. The half that fits their narrative is that the Republicans are being stubborn and intransigent about wearing masks and getting vaccinated. As you would expect that narrative does a great disservice to Congressman Roy and his fellow Republicans. Roy was flanked by Congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Laurne Boebert (R-CO) showing their support during his remarks and the vote, as opposed to the sixteen who have again betrayed their party.

Congressman Roy didn’t rise “Angered that a mask mandate had been reinstated in the U.S. House” as USA Today’s Austin-American Statesman claims. No, he rose because INSTEAD of dealing with the REAL problem of COVID positive illegal immigrants flooding over the border, being let in by Border Patrol on orders from the Biden-Harris regime, INSTEAD of dealing with the ongoing border emergency being at the top of the House agenda, what was there? A new order for members to ‘mask-up‘ vaccinated or not, even though the single greatest action Congress could take right now to stop the spread of the so-called “Delta variant” would be to close our borders, something their Democrat-Socialist overlords and grassroots will never allow. (Remember when Antifa burned down an ICE building in Portland?)

Rep. Chip Roy is laser-focused on what the Democrats in Congress REFUSE to do, meanwhile, the press is obsessed with a matter of Congressional optics. Roy made this crystal clear in his remarks (transcribed in full below and on video) before calling a vote to adjourn the House in protest.

Chip Roy Calls Out Dems And Republicans: ‘shut this place down’

Congressman Chip Roy told the House,

“I appreciate what my colleague earlier offered as the uh the previous question with respect to title 42. Because what we’re seeing at the border is an absolute travesty. And yet my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are going to do nothing literally nothing about that today. Even as we see people spilling across the border who are clearly testing positive for COVID we have a hotel in La Jolla, Texas that is literally filled right now with individuals who are heavily testing positive for COVID. These are the facts on the ground and I know my friend the Speaker knows how bad it is at the border. Knows how bad it is in Laredo knows how bad it is in Del Rio knows how bad it is in McAllen.

I’ve got a text here from a sheriff in a small Texas town saying we’re passing an emergency declaration tonight at city council that no illegal immigrants can be released in the city of Uvalde per the CDC guidelines of countries on their list without a negative COVID test. And we have had our health authority write orders that give us the authority to have the government border patrol and immigrants quarantined for 10 to 14 days.

We have a crisis at our border and we’re playing footsie with mask mandates in the people’s house? I mean it’s absolutely absurd what this body is doing to the people’s house. It’s an embarrassment! It’s a mockery! And the American people are fed up they want to go back to life. They want to go back to business. They want to go back to school without their children being forced to wear masks, to be put in the corner, to have mental health issues. And we’re running around here and the Speaker comes down here at 10 o’clock in the morning saying ‘we got to wear masks into people’s house’ while we’ve got thousands of people pouring across our border and democrats don’t do a darn thing about it! Heavily infected with COVID.

We have the New York Times okay today, what a mess, ‘CDC about to reverse on indoor masking for the vaccinated’ quote-unquote ‘this is some serious nanny state stuff that will only breed resentment’. No kidding consider resentment being magnified right here in the floor of the House of Representatives. We are absolutely sick and tired of it and so are the American people.

This sham of an institution is doing nothing for the American people! Nothing for the betterment of the people that send their representatives here.

I just met this morning with an organization that tries to take care of people from human trafficking, met with an elected official from Mexico while cartels are raping and pillaging and killing. And we have people infected with COVID coming across our southern border into Texas and you all put masks up front here on the people’s house? We got to go around and see okay we can’t come to the floor ‘I can’t execute my constitutional duty unless I wear a mask’.

Well, which is it vaccines or masks? Do the vaccines work or they don’t work? Do the masks work or they don’t work? I’d like to know which it is. I’d like Dr. Fauci to come down and answer a single question about natural immunity. If you’ve been infected with a virus do you have immunity? Or are they just going to go around poking people saying ‘you must take a vaccine oh but sorry the vaccine doesn’t work you must wear a mask’.

This institution is a sham and we should adjourn and shut this place down.”

The Vote

Along party lines every single Democrat voted against Roy’s motion to adjourn the House of Representatives for the day, all but sixteen Republicans supported him according to GovTrack. You already know most of the names. Unfortunately, the Democrats still have too many seats for the Republicans to even get something this simple done, but it was an important symbolic vote, and a very educational one to the voters. Every time a vote like this is forced, we learn who to support and who to oppose in the primary season. We must take note and have a very long memory.

Vote District Party Representative
Nay AR 3rd   R   Womack, Steve
Nay FL 4th   R   Rutherford, John
Nay FL 25th   R   Diaz-Balart, Mario
Nay FL 26th   R   Gimenez, Carlos
Nay ID 2nd   R   Simpson, Mike
Nay IA 2nd   R   Miller-Meeks, Mariannette
Vote District Party Representative
Nay KY 5th   R   Rogers, Hal
Nay NE 2nd   R   Bacon, Don
Nay NV 2nd   R   Amodei, Mark
Nay NC 3rd   R   Murphy, Gregory
Nay PA 1st   R   Fitzpatrick, Brian
Nay SC 7th   R   Rice, Tom
Vote District Party Representative
Nay TN 4th   R   DesJarlais, Scott
Nay WA 3rd   R   Herrera Beutler, Jaime
Nay WI 8th   R   Gallagher, Mike
Nay WY   R   Cheney, Liz
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