Trump Releases Official Written Statement

Trump Releases Official Written Statement

Former President Donald Trump has released a short official statement, which reads like one of his famous Democrat-triggering tweets.

Trump’s Statement

The left is furious as Donald Trump is attempting to co-opt their new favorite phrase: The Big Lie. Since the 2020 election, Democrats, leftist activists, and the mainstream media have been trying to characterize Republican claims about election fraud and irregularities as “The Big Lie.” Now, Trump is turning the tables on them.

Through his official website, Donald Trump released this short statement: “The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE!”Trump Releases Official Written Statement

RINO Response

Of course, RINOs like Representative Liz Cheney have joined the Democrats in attacking Trump.

“The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system,” Rep. Cheney tweeted, appearing to respond to Trump’s statement.

California Republican Congressional candidate Buzz Patterson, who was also a pilot in the United States Air Force, responded to Cheney’s tweet, expressing a sentiment that a significant majority of Republican voters agree with. “Liz, just change parties,” he wrote.

Scott Pressler, a conservative activist well known for organizing clean-ups in Baltimore and other Democrat-neglected areas, also responded to Cheney, providing Wyoming residents with a link to a petition to remove Liz Cheney from office:

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