Ignoring all of the irregularities in the Michigan election, a Republican chose to break the tie and certify the vote counts, calling the election for Joe Biden.
On Monday, Michigan’s State Board of Canvassers certified the state’s election results, despite numerous instances of irregularities throughout the state, becoming the second major battleground state to certify its results. The board is made up of two Democrats and two Republicans, and many on the left feared that the vote would end in a 2-2 tie.
The traitor, “Republican” board member Aaron Van Langevelde, voted alongside the two Democrats, while Republican Norman Shinkle abstained from voting. Shinkle had previously noted that he was considering voting against certification due to multiple allegations of irregularities in the vote count.
Left-wing activists have been threatening Republican officials in Michigan in charge of certifying election results. Shinkle said Monday that he received “quite a few” threats as he considered whether to validate the Nov. 3 vote, including “nasty emails telling me my family’s at risk.”
“I had one person even suggest you gotta vote yes to certify ‘for the safety of your family,'” Shinkle added.
Monica Palmer, chairwoman of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers, also received vile threats from the left which pushed her to certify the results in Wayne County despite the fact that she did not believe the results were correct.
Palmer told the Board of State Canvassers that she received threats against her family, including receiving graphic images of naked, dead women, and a photo of her daughter “letting me know that that’s what’s going to happen to my daughter.” Palmer said she was also called a terrorist and told that “my entire family should be fearful for their lives.”
The Michigan Republican Party and the Republican National Committee had each asked the board to delay certifying vote counts until after an audit is conducted.
Democrat former election officials testified during the Monday meeting that the board had a “ministerial obligation to certify the results and did not have the authority to vote against the returns”, according to left-wing news outlet Forbes.
Former Michigan Elections Director Chris Thomas falsely stated to the board, “You can’t vote no, there is no ‘no’ in these circumstances.”
In fact, the meaning behind “certifying” the vote counts is that one must ensure that the results are correct and without error prior to voting to certify. Democrats claiming that officials do not have the authority to vote against certification is ludicrous.
What would be the point of holding a vote if the only permissible answer was yes? This is just another form of threatening Republicans into complying with the left’s demands.