The UN wouldn’t be taking fire from Israeli troops if they hadn’t been sheltering Hezbollah. Originally intended to keep the peace between Israel and Lebanon, UNIFIL is playing favorites to help the terrorists. The IDF showed a reporter some tunnels that the goat humpers built right under the nose of European “peacekeepers.”
UN aiding Hezbollah
If the UN isn’t helping Hezbollah outright, they’re certainly turning a blind eye to their operations against Israel. That’s not playing fair. The whole world has their attention focused on Lebanon.
They’re waiting for the conflict to escalate into first regional, then global mayhem. The United Nations is making things worse by complaining about getting caught helping an officially declared terrorist organization.
On Saturday, October 12, the IDF escorted New York Post reporter Douglas Murray on a two day tour “to see firsthand some of what they have already found.” For instance, a Hezbollah tunnel “just 100 meters from a UN peacekeeping base and observation point.”
Things are hot around there as Israeli forces have been exchanging gunfire with international troops. Five United Nations peacekeepers have been wounded. Even though some have been accidents, the IDF “has taken responsibility” for most of them. Hezbollah took credit for one.
Since 2006, Murray writes, “the UN’s peacekeeping force has been not just useless but worse than useless.” They were “meant to be here to ensure that peace was kept on this tinderbox of a border.” That isn’t what the UN has been doing.
“For the past year they have sat useless as Hezbollah has fired tens of thousands of rockets from southern Lebanon into Israel.” He’s personally seen them in action.

See no evil
Murray previously reported that he’s been shown “footage” of these “peacekeepers.” UN troops were depicted deploying from their base. When Hezbollah starts lobbing “rockets over their heads into Israel,” They turn around and run straight back for their bunkers. That way they don’t have to see it.
The resolution which gives the United Nations authority to be there came at the end of the war in 2006. Resolution 1701 “was meant to prevent Hezbollah from rebuilding its stockpile of weapons aimed at Israel.” It’s been ignored. Hezbollah is better armed than the Lebanese army.
“Since 2006, Iran is believed to have gathered some 160,000 long- and short-range rockets in position in southern Lebanon.” They’ve been using them incessantly for the past year. That forced “tens of thousands of Israelis out of their homes in the north of the country.”
On Sunday, Murray “saw with my own eyes how this had happened.” Just across their border with Lebanon, the Israelis showed him two tunnels. “These had been built in the hope of carrying out a Hamas-style Oct. 7 attack on Israel. And also to store and fire rockets into northern Israel.” If the UN didn’t know about them, they’re negligently irresponsible.
“The ground in Lebanon is rocky — not sandy like Gaza — and these are serious, deep tunnels. But the tunnel shafts opened not much more than 100 meters away from a giant UN peacekeeping base and observation point.” You can see the tower from the tunnel, which means the tower should have been able to see anyone coming and going through the tunnel.
“How is it possible that the kind of heavy digging needed to create these tunnels could have happened literally right under the noses of the UN? Were they not looking? Did they even care?” Nope. “The answer seems to be a very obvious ‘no.’ They decided not to look. The international peacekeeping force has been a joke for years.“