
Airstrikes Hit U.N. Headquarters

The United Nations is upset with Israel. Airstrikes have “hit the headquarters of the U.N. peacekeeping force and other positions in southern Lebanon in recent days.” They were warned to clear out and refused to go. The World Economic Forum lodged a formal protest anyway.

Israel attacks Europe

If Europe doesn’t want Israel to bomb U.N. bases, pull down their towers and shoot at their troops, they shouldn’t be so cozy with Hezbollah. UNIFIL announced “new explosions hit its headquarters on Friday morning, injuring two peacekeepers.

Apparently, they didn’t get the message Israelis sent the day before when they “struck the same position, injuring two others.

Benjamin Netanyahu is serious about eradicating Hezbollah from the south of Lebanon, whether the U.N. likes it or not. Europe may have a “10,000-strong peacekeeping force” but Israel isn’t intimidated.

The guys in blue helmets don’t like being in IDF cross-hairs. They’re finally beginning to realize, based on what happened to Hamas, that the Israelis aren’t going to stop now.

The attacks on UN peacekeeping forces “are taking place in the backdrop of worsening relations.” They’re fighting “over the way Israel has conducted its war in Gaza.

They made the “unprecedented move” recently of declaring the U.N. chief “persona non grata” in their territory. That signals “a new low in relations.” That’s because the U.N. is allowing terrorists to use them for an umbrella of protection.

Europe is upset with Israel.

There since 1978

UNIFIL, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, was created back in 1978 specifically to keep Israel out of Lebanon. Back in the day, Israeli troops “invaded and occupied south Lebanon.

They did it again in 1982 and stuck around until 2000. Now, they regret pulling back. Hezbollah terrorists have been breeding like cockroaches.

In the absence of an agreed-upon border, the U.N. drew up a boundary between Lebanon and Israel known as the Blue Line, which UNIFIL monitors and patrols. The IDF is coming for Hezbollah and nobody better stand in their way.

On Thursday, UNIFIL announced “an Israeli tank ‘directly‘ fired on its headquarters in the town of Naqoura, knocking down an observation tower and injuring two Indonesian peacekeepers, who were hospitalized.

They also complained that “its headquarters and nearby positions ‘have been repeatedly hit‘ and that Israel ‘deliberately‘ fired on and disabled the headquarters’ monitoring cameras.” Two more were injured in explosions on Friday.

Earlier this month, “Israel asked UNIFIL to move its personnel further north, which the peacekeeping force refused to do.” On Friday the IDF countered that “its soldiers were responding with fire to an immediate threat against them, adding that the army had instructed UNIFIL personnel to enter into protected spaces and remain there, hours before the incident.” Europeans tend to lie about things like that.

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