She Put Her Knife Into Her Dinner, And Her Fork Hit A Hook…

Apparently customers need to be more aware of the safety of their food before dining in, as one family just recently learned the hard way.

While dining at a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur, a Malaysian family discovered an incredibly dangerous item in their food. The fish they had ordered still had a giant fishing hook inside of it. reported that Lemon Mii’s family was just sitting down to enjoy a fish head curry dish at a seafood restaurant when the father discovered the large fishing hook inside their meal.

Mii posted a photo of the dish on Facebook, with the noticably large hook and the bill from the restaurant. “Can you believe it?” Mii wrote, “Luckily my father didn’t put the whole thing in his mouth.”

When they family spoke with their waiter, they had claimed it was the kitchen’s fault.

Of course, Mii immediately spoke with the restaurant manager regarding the incident, but the response was definitely not what they were expecting.

The manager refused to take any responsibility, claiming the blunder came from the supplier’s side.

“It’s none of our business, it’s the supplier’s problem.” the manager asserted.

“At first, you said it was the kitchen’s problem, now it’s the supplier’s issue?” Mii wrote. “I really feel bad for the supplier.”

In the end, the manager apologized for the incident and provided a 60 sen discount off their total bill of RM298.60.

However, Mii is still dissatisfied with how the restaurant chose to handle the situation.

“It was the kitchen’s fault at first, and then it became the supplier’s fault. My dad did not bite on the fishing hook, but what if it was served to others?” Mii said.

The hook could’ve caused serious injuries, not to mention it being unsafe and unsanitary. And its understandable that the resolution to the incident was less than satisfactory for Mii.

Watch it here: Facebook/Video

Sources: Dailywire, Asiaone, Conservativenewsdaily


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