
NY Jews Square Off Against Hamas Proxy to Defend Synagogue

Pro-Palestine “demonstrators,” who are really Hamas irregulars funded indirectly by Iran, tried to start a riot outside a synagogue in Queens. They were met by local Jews waging a counter-protest. “Footage of the protests showed physical clashes between the Jewish community members and the anti-Israel activists.

Hamas forces by proxy

A contingent of Hamas supporters squared off against members of a Jewish community in Queens, New York, on Sunday. Underneath the latest fashion in protester costumes are the same Antifa rioters from a few years ago. Easily influenced youth who were just as fiercely squaring off against Patriot Prayer. Only the names were changed.

It’s recently been reported that all of these anti-Israel groups are being quietly funded with cash trickling down from Iran. Someone needs to pay for all those flags, signs and other expensive protest gear.

The location for Sunday’s riot had been targeted for hosting a “real estate seminar.” It got the Hamas crowd angry because it allegedly focused on selling land in the controversial “settlements” where Israelis homestead on Palestinian land. The event was moved but the protest wasn’t.

Zionism” is a hot button issue with the Arabs. That’s the concept of Jews having a home to call their own. The area around Jerusalem was theirs to start with. Palestinians don’t want to share their desert.

The Hamas sympathizers endlessly chanted “from the water to the water, Palestine will be Arab.” They used to say “from the river to the sea,” which means the same thing.

That phrase has been officially labeled “hate speech” because it calls for killing all the Jews between those two bodies of water. Changing the words without changing the meaning is still a call for genocide. Jews in Queens weren’t about to put up with that.

Footage of the protests showed physical clashes between the Jewish community members and the anti-Israel activists.

Intifada revolution

Since police weren’t about to do anything against a large group of Hamas flag waving protesters calling for “intifada revolution,” local residents picked up their Israeli and U.S. flags and headed out to join the fight.

It’s not surprising that the Jewish forces were outnumbered. They’ve learned the hard way it’s much better to avoid confrontations like those. The ones who did come out were aggressive in their tactics. They remembered a protest chant, too. “Everybody must get stoned!

The Hamas forces were surprised to find themselves under enemy fire with rocks. PAL-Awda “alleged that some pro-Israel activists hurled stones, homophobic slurs, and called members of an ultra-orthodox anti-Zionist Jewish sect ‘Nazis.’

Once the rocks started flying, police stepped in to separate the two groups. After “a buffer zone dozens of meters wide” was created, they left them alone to shout it out.

The Hamas affiliated demonstrators weren’t expecting members of Congregation Charm Circle to fight back. When angry residents of the Kew Gardens Hills neighborhood started throwing rocks at them, they got a little perturbed.

The Jewish neighborhood watch group Queens Shmira had asked residents not to counter-protest but their pleas went totally unheeded. They aren’t about to stand back and do nothing when Hamas is calling for their elimination from the face of the earth.

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