Joe Biden refusing to step aside has Democrat donors putting their wallets in lock-down. They’re holding back at least $90 million, per reports. Joe used the assassination attempt on Donald Trump as an excuse to pull the plug on all campaign ads. The real reason is that those spots are really expensive and Democrats can’t stop hemorrhaging cash any other way.
Donors want replacement
Joe Biden’s handlers thought that his “big boy” press conference after the NATO summit would reassure nervous donors but it didn’t. Joe almost managed to pull it off. He only made a few minor blunders but the whole thing was obviously scripted and well rehearsed.
Everyone is wondering what kind of technological miracle he used to get the words fed into his ear. There were all sorts of out-of-place coughs and chin scratches that match up with “I didn’t get that” or “move to the next,” if you follow along with what came out of his mouth.
Ever since the CNN debate, “the Democratic Party has been mired in crisis.” Every day it gets worse. Even the attempted murder of Joe’s rival didn’t budge the needle. That’s why liberals are shamefully posting snarky comments about the shooter’s aim.
Joe Biden didn't suspend his campaign ads out of respect for #PresidentTrump! He did it because his #TopDonors froze 90 MILLION DOLLARS of his campaign funds so he would drop out! #PotusPos #Liar #FJB #LGB
— HarshTag (@ShouldBeFamous) July 14, 2024
Democrat donors can see for themselves that since Trump’s still alive, “there is no sign that the threat to Joe Biden’s reelection is nearing a conclusion.”
Everyone on the progressive side, from party officials to donors to strategists, are calling for him to step aside. Joe refuses because he doesn’t want to go to prison when Trump takes over.
Besides that, conservatives posit, all the ballots were filled out for Joe already. They simply need to run them through the counting machines while nobody is looking.

Morale is weak
The donors are the only ones that really matter. If they don’t come up with the cash then all the downstream candidates will be the ones to suffer.
Along with handing Trump the presidency on a silver plate, assuming he survives, Republicans can expect a landslide of victories in both House and Senate races. They could be looking at the liberal nightmare of a MAGA majority all the way around.
Donors are beginning to think that their money would be better spent on canned goods and liquor to stock their luxury doomsday bunkers with.
Democratic Donors Freeze $90 Million In "Coordinated Rebellion" Against Biden–Follow the money… out…
— whiteaglesoring (@whiteaglesoarng) July 14, 2024
If worst comes to worst, they can duck down the tunnel with a select group of close liberal friends and party underground until 2028. Maybe longer, depending on how things go with Trump in control.
With “donors and high-profile endorsers” snubbing Biden, “morale inside and outside the campaign is weak.” After Joe gave his Thursday news conference, “another five Democratic members of Congress called on Biden to step aside.” Elon Musk isn’t even a citizen but he donated such a “significant” amount to Trump on Friday that it’s being called “a game changer.”
Then, on Saturday, someone tried to kill Trump. Coincidence? Some say the way security was totally botched has FBI fingerprints all over it. Trump donors are writing even bigger checks, now that they see how desperate Democrats are.