Ask me anything - Biden Campaign

Joe Biden Hosts ‘ Ask Me ANYTHING’ Ends Up Not Answering ANYTHING

The Biden campaign Instagram account announced on Wednesday that they would be hosting an “Ask Me Anything” session, where followers could submit questions to Biden for honest responses. The problem is, nearly 48 hours later, not a single question has been answered.

As we’ve seen in recent months, Joe Biden has been practically hiding in his basement, and rarely gives interviews or does live events. But this “Ask Me Anything” event made the campaign look even worse.

“AMAs” were popularized on Reddit, and usually occur in real time. A person typically posts on a forum saying “Ask me anything”, and then responds to every question as they are being asked. The Biden campaign chose to post: “I’m answering your questions. Ask me anything!” on Instagram late Tuesday night. Instagram’s platform only allows users to ask questions on a story post for 24 hours.

According to the New York Post, “As of Thursday morning, Biden has not yet answered any questions, and the story has expired. He has, however, posted nine pictures, videos, and other graphics to his profile since uploading the story telling his followers he would be answering questions.”

This is typical for the Biden campaign at this point. Last week, Biden promised to hold an extended question and answer session for the media. Instead, he used more than a half hour of the time to give his opening remarks, which left only 20 minutes for media questions.

The left-wing media asked mostly softball questions, often teeing up the answers for Biden.

A reporter from the Atlantic even chose to ask Biden about their own story, which has been disputed by over 20 on-the-record witnesses. The story, using only anonymous “sources”, claimed President Trump called veterans buried in a WWI cemetery in France “losers” and “suckers”. The question asked of Biden was: “When you hear these remarks — ‘suckers,’ ‘losers,’ recoiling from amputees, what does it tell you about President Trump’s soul and the life he leads?”

This is the kind of question the media thinks is important when speaking with a Democrat candidate. They don’t treat Democrats with hostility, as they do Republicans.

If the questions that Biden was asked on his Instagram AMA were actual policy questions, this might explain the lack of an answer. Biden, as a Democrat, is used to being babied by the media, and never asked a hard-hitting question.

The campaign chose to re-post Biden’s interview with rapper Cardi B instead of answering the questions that were asked of him.

“Currently, Biden’s Instagram story only contains one long video divided into two posts. In it, the former vice president slams President Trump for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic,” the Post added.

A member of President Trump’s campaign’s rapid-response team seized on the opportunity to call out Biden on Twitter, saying: “Lol Joe Biden’s staff posted ‘I’m answering your questions. Ask me anything!’ on his Instagram story 14 hours ago and they have yet to post any questions or answers.”

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