Maxine Waters Scandal Comes to Light

Maxine Waters Scandal Comes to Light

Maxine Waters has been caught in another scandal. New records recently revealed that the California Democrat has been paying her daughter large sums of money for campaign work.

In yet another case of nepotism under Democrat leadership, California Representative Maxine Waters’ campaign paid her daughter around $240,000 in this past election cycle.

Waters’ campaign records show that she paid her daughter, Karen Waters, for work including “slate mailer management” and “GOTV” (Get Out the Vote) on her re-election campaign.

The payments were discovered in new Federal Election Commission filings.

According to the New York Post, “More than $212,600 in disbursements to Karen Waters are broken down into 26 entries such as ‘slate mailer management’ fees, ‘office expenses’ and ‘canvassing’ between March 2019 and September 2020.”

An additional $28,150 in payments to the younger Waters occurred in October and November, labeled as “GOTV” and “slate mailer management” fees, and one payment for $1,000 was simply labeled “Walker payments.”

It is concerning that the congresswoman who chairs the House Financial Services Committee has also been called out in the past for payments to her daughter. Since 2004, Maxine Waters has been paying her daughter, or her daughter’s public relations firm “Progressive Connections,” to produce, print, and mail slate mailers.

Karen Waters has reportedly received almost $1 million from her mother’s campaign since 2004.

Congresswoman Waters, who has been in office since 2013, won her re-election easily this year, despite her past scandals and vile remarks. The congresswoman was in hot water in 2018 for comments made about President Trump and his administration at a rally in Los Angeles.

Waters, sounding increasingly unhinged throughout the video, told her supporters: “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents.”

Many on the right were hoping that Waters would lose her seat in the House of Representatives over the comments and the various scandals, but the fact that she was running in a deep-blue district of California made that outcome highly unlikely.

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