Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump called it “The Most IMPORTANT Speech I have ever Made”. In a sign of our times, no networks interrupted their schedule, no programs were pre-empted, social media and the mainstream media began mocking the speech before it was even completed.
In the impassioned forty-six minute speech, the President implored the American people: “All you have to do is watch the hearings and see for yourself. The evidence is overwhelming. The fraud that we’ve collected in recent weeks is overwhelming, having to do with our election.”
Here are the highlights with citations supporting the President’s points:
The Fatal Flaw: Mail-In Ballots
- “To understand how we will challenge this fraud, it is important to know the problems with mail-in balloting. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, and most other states allowed anyone to get an absentee ballot and cast their vote without showing any ID. The voting took place entirely on the honor system, no identification of any kind was required.”
- “One of the most significant indications of widespread fraud is the extraordinarily low rejection rates for mail-in ballots in many key states. These are the states that I had to win. In swing state after swing state, the number of ballots rejected has been dramatically lower than what would have been expected based on prior experience. That means years and years of voting. In Georgia, just 0.2%, that’s substantially less than 1%, of mail-in ballots have been rejected. In other words, almost none have been rejected. They took everything. Nothing was rejected, practically, compared to 6.4% in 2016. There are those that think that 6.4 was a low number. Think of it. Almost none were rejected. The previous election, 6.4% were rejected. We have seen similar declines in Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan. Ballots weren’t rejected, especially if they happen to be in Democrat areas. These irregularities are inexplicable unless there is a deliberate effort to accept ineligible ballots or fraudulent ballots.”
- “Most Americans would also be shocked to learn that no state in the country verifies United States citizenship as a condition for voting in federal elections. This is a national disgrace.”
- “Out of 42 European nations, all but two prohibit absentee ballots entirely for people who reside inside the country, or else they require those who need absentee ballots to show a very, very powerful ID.”
- “Throughout the Democrat effort to dramatically expand mail-in voting, the Democrat party leaders were also, feverishly working to block measures, designed to protect against fraud, such as signature verification, residency verification, or voter ID.”
“These are the actions of people who want to steal elections, who are willing to create fraud. The only conceivable reason why you would block common sense measures to verify legal eligibility for voting, is you are trying to encourage, enable, solicit, or carry out fraud.”
The President Laid Out the Fraud
- “Witnesses have signed sworn affidavits, so in other words, you go to jail if you lie, testifying that after election officials announced the last absentee votes had been received, a batch of tens of thousands of ballots arrived, many without envelopes, all voting for Democrats.”
- “In Michigan, a career employee of the city of Detroit, with the city workers, coaching voters to vote straight Democrat, while accompanying them to watch who they were voting for, violating the law and the sanctity of the secret ballot. You can’t do that. The same workers say she was instructed not to ask for any ID and not to attempt to validate any signatures. She was also told to illegally backdate ballots, many, many ballots, received after the deadline.”
- “In Georgia, nine observers have testified to seeing countless irre gular ballots without the creases or typical markings indicating that the ballots did not arrive in envelopes as required. A poll watcher in Fulton County estimated that approximately 98% of the large number of unusually pristine ballots that she witnessed were for Biden.”
- “In Wisconsin, a record number of voters were categorized as indefinitely confined. A status reserved for severely disabled individuals, also for the elderly that allow them to vote without showing ID. Last year, approximately 70,000 people claimed this status statewide. This year, the number miraculously was nearly 250,000 voters, after election officials in Milwaukee and Dane County, a couple of the most corrupt political places in our country, urged citizens to improperly register under this status.”
- “In Arizona, in-person voters whose balanced produced error messages from tabulation machines were told to press a button that resulted in their votes not being counted. Also in Arizona, the attorney general announced that mail-in ballots had been stolen from mailboxes and hidden under a rock.”
- “In Clark County, Nevada, where most of the state’s voters reside, the standards for matching a signature using the signature verification machine were intentionally lowered to allow large numbers of ballots to be counted that otherwise would never have passed muster. This machine was set at the lowest level. According to one report, in order to test the process, nine voters in Clark County cast ballots with intentionally incorrect signatures, and eight of the nine ballots were accepted and counted. They said you could sign your name as Santa Claus, and it would be accepted.”
- “In Pennsylvania, the secretary of state and the state supreme court in essence abolished signature verification requirements just weeks prior to the election, in violation of state law. You’re not allowed to do that. It has to be approved by the legislature. A judge can’t do it. A state can’t do it. An official can’t do it. The only one that can do it is the legislature.”
Trump Calls for A “Full Forensic Audit” of Ballot Signatures in Speech
“The only way to determine whether there was an honest vote is to conduct a full review of the envelopes in the relevant states. You will find that many of them, tens of thousands, have fraudulent signatures. A full forensic audit is required to ensure that only legal ballots from lawfully registered voters that were properly cast are included in the final count.”
“We already have the proof. We already have tens of thousands of ballots more than we need to overturn all of these states that we’re talking about. This is an election for the highest office in the greatest country in the history of the world. Every reasonable American should be able to agree, based on what we have already documented, that we need a systematic analysis of the mail-in ballots to review the envelopes. It’s about the signature. If they’re on the envelopes, we can only review the envelopes, and that will tell us everything.”
“The only ballots that should count in this election are those cast by eligible voters who are citizens of our country, residents of the states in which they voted, and who cast their ballots in a lawful manner before the legal deadline.”
Mocking, Derision and Dismissal
The lengthy speech sent “Trump’s 46” trending on Twitter as leftists ignored everything the President said and applied their biases to his words. This is the skewed reality they saw.
Donald Trump's 46 minute lie-filled tirade has 8.6 million views on Facebook, 5 million views on YouTube and 3.3 million views on Twitter
The fact that these companies have allowed it to remain up shows they have no intention of tackling disinformation on their platforms
— The Hardy Report (@EdwardTHardy) December 3, 2020
CNN Refuses to Show Any Excerpts from Trump's 46-Minute, Lie-Filled Rant Against His Election Loss: 'Essentially a Propaganda Video'
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) December 3, 2020
On @Morning_Joe, @mikebarnicle calls Trump's 46-minute election denialism video a "mentally ill rant by the President of the United States" and wonders why GOP leaders are not intervening.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) December 3, 2020
Falling on Deaf Ears?
President Trump’s call for a “full forensic audit” was very similar to the hearings that took place in Gettysburg, Phoenix and Detroit. They were well reasoned, thoroughly cited and composed primarily of first-hand witness testimony in sworn affidavits under threat of perjury. But this speech, like the Trump campaign’s hearings has been largely dismissed by a fatally compromised mainstream media who are only too pleased to “Install Joe Biden”.
We can only hope that by using the power of the Internet despite the machinations of the Silicon Valley intelligentsia, President Trump was able to get his message to the American people and move them to action. As of publication President Trump’s speech has 5,052,775 Youtube views, 300.5K Likes and 117.8K retweets on Twitter and 288k Facebook shares and 8.6 million views.