
Hunter Biden Forced to Cough Up Evidence

Hunter Biden’s expensive attorneys didn’t impress Independence County Circuit Judge Holly Meyer, who ordered them to produce the evidence they’ve been hiding. She may actually have the power to compel the release of information that Congress can’t get their hands on. All because Hunter tried to get a break on his child support payments. They should have simply rounded up a sympathetic donor to pay his bill for him. For a man with no visible means of support other than his amateur paintings, he sure lives a lavish lifestyle.

Hand over the evidence

On Monday, Hunter Biden was ordered to hand over all the evidence demanded by Lunden Roberts in the paternity support case she has pending in Batesville, Arkansas. Hunter’s lawyers have been fighting like rabid raccoons to shield his bank records from scrutiny.

Forced to appear in person at the courthouse he showed up with “heavy police and Secret Service presence both inside and outside the courtroom.

Once everyone was settled, the judge wanted to talk about magic markers. Apparently, someone on Hunter’s defense team has gone wild with one, marking things off as classified like they pertain to national security, as they do. Judge Meyer noted that some documents that were redacted “had no reason to be.” She wants to see clean ones, pronto.

Hunter’s expensive lawyer tried one last time to suppress the evidence, arguing “that a national news outlet reported information included in those redacted documents.” He was hinting Roberts’ lawyer leaked. The named counsel “denied the accusations.

Lawyers for Ms. Roberts are trying to get their hands on evidence including a list of all the vehicles he owns, art purchases, investments, airline trips and who paid how much for what during said travel. The most controversial items are the ones Congress wants to know about as well.

Money received or given by foreign entities, including China and Ukraine,” for instance. Another one is “Money received from President Joe Biden.” Hunters lawyers managed to keep a few items out of the mix but “the judge ruled that they must release most of them.

Incomplete answers don’t count

The judge made it crystal clear that the evidence is all directly relevant to the issue at hand, a reduction in his agreed upon child support based on financial hardship. Just because he has no assets to show on paper doesn’t mean he’s as destitute as he makes out to be.

That is exactly why she made a point of noting that “incomplete answers are not answers.” If “the information was not clear enough, it would be addressed at the pretrial hearing later this month.” That would be May 23.

The fun part begins June 13. That’s when “depositions” start being held. There is a good chance that Hunter could be required to turn over the accounting evidence showing what his paintings are really selling for, along with a list of who bought them. That matters to Judge Meyer.

Another thing she really wants to know is who pays for all Hunter’s obligations everywhere he goes. Everything from his tax penalties to his vacation rentals gets taken care of by one adoring fan of the Biden family or another.

The fight for evidence turned the sleepy Arkansas town into a media circus. “I’m here for the biggest event that I’ve seen in Batesville,” quipped Barbara Smart. “I’m really excited to see Hunter Biden.” Debbie Billings, said “she was there to watch what happened for herself.” It’s a big deal.

It’s kind of a historic thing to be taking place here in little Batesville.” That’s why “I thought I would come down and be a witness for whatever may or may not happen today.

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