The highest court in the Keystone State of Pennsylvania just issued a ruling which makes no sense at all unless it was meant to make election fraud easier for Democrats to accomplish. The commonwealth requires everyone to sign their ballot but won’t allow anyone to to verify that signature.
Court sides with anarchy
Hypocritically, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court threw the rule of law out the window and sided with the forces of darkness to promote anarchy and lawlessness. What is the purpose of requiring an election ballot to be signed unless it is to verify the authenticity of the ballot itself? In Pennsylvania anyone can sign, as long as something is scribbled on the line. That means nobody knows which ballots are real and which are fake. How convenient for Democrats and their mail in ballot padding scheme.
On Friday, the court dealt a crippling blow to the Trump administration by siding with liberal Democrats in a ruling which makes absolutely no legal sense. “Mail ballots” they declare, “cannot be discarded based on a perceived mismatch between signatures appearing on a voter’s application and their actual ballot.” So what’s the point of requiring a signature then? Apparently only for show. The results in this case were a whole lot different than what happened in Michigan on a similar question.
Not a single one of the High Court Justices disagreed. The Republican National Committee had argued that “strict matching” was required in the key battleground state because President Trump won the last time with a margin of less than 45,000 votes.
Resolving a simmering conflict
The decision is reported to have settled a simmering conflict but the truth is that the fears of anxious voters could boil over after the third of November if it looks like the election results were rigged. The Court made the decision to favor Pennsylvania’s Democratic Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar. She had asked for “clarity” about the language in their laws.
The Court held “that county boards of elections are prohibited from rejecting absentee or mail-in ballots based on signature comparison conducted by county election officials or employees, or as the result of third-party challenges based on signature analysis and comparisons,” they penned.
Trump got screwed in Pennsylvania earlier in the week because our shorthanded SCOTUS deadlocked in a crucial case. On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court deadlocked 4-4, “which left intact Pennsylvania’s court-ordered extension for mail ballots. As a result, mail ballots must be accepted as long as they are postmarked by Nov. 3 — or have no legible postmark — and received up to three days after Election Day.”