
Democrat Mark Ridley-Thomas Heading to Prison on Corruption Charges

Prominent California Democrat Mark Ridley-Thomas has just received a hefty prison sentence for corruption.

The 68 year old will be expected to serve 42 months in jail for using his influential position to hand over $100,000 to his son’s non-profit organization in exchange for favorable city contracts being awarded to the University of Southern California (USC).

How did this scheme come about?

In July, Marilyn Flynn, former dean of USC’s School of Social Work was sentenced to three years probation and ordered to pay a $150,000 fine for bribery after admitting her involvement in Mark Ridley-Thomas’ scheme.

Prosecutors have labeled it a “shakedown” which promised Sebastian Ridley-Thomas up to $100,000 in return for his father utilizing his position on the City Council vote favorably towards USC contracts.

This brazen attempt at exploiting public trust has earned Mark Ridley-Thomas punishment in the form of 42 months in prison alongside a hefty $30k fine.

Before being suspended from L.A City Council during trial proceedings back in March 2020, Mark Ridley- Thomas had already made quite the name for himself having served since 1991 on said council and then later holding office within the state legislature from 2002 until 2008 when he returned back to city government once more.

After jury conviction on charges including conspiracy, bribery mail fraud and wire fraud (though acquitted on 12 additional fraud charges) Judge Dale Fischer made sure that justice was served stating that “there is simply no justification for monetizing a public office”.

Unfortunately this type of scandal is all too common amongst powerful individuals who are able to exploit their positions without consequence.

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