Biden Administration Is Now Passing Out Crack Pipes!

The Biden administration has announced that it will be scheduling meetings with grant recipients of its controversial harm reduction program. This, they say, is to ensure taxpayer dollars aren’t going toward crack pipe. the Administration is scrambling after a Washington Free Beacon, as well as other news carriers, has reported that organizations slated to receive funds from the harm reduction program are actively distributing crack and meth pipes.

The Free Beacon story, which detailed the funding of two Maine harm reduction groups by the Department of Health and Human Services that were distributing free crack pipes and other drug paraphernalia. A spokesman for the Department of Health said that they will now be scheduling meetings with each recipient to review their offerings.

“As next steps, the Government Program Officer/Grant Management Specialist will schedule meetings with each grantee to review/confirm that each supply item is allowable,” the Free Beacon was told by the spokesman. “Recipients must consult with their assigned project officer and grants management specialist prior to purchasing harm reduction equipment and supplies.”

The Free Beacon reported the first time that the Biden administration was set to fund the distribution of drug paraphernalia in February. Blowback was fierce and the White House made a statement that they did not “support federal funding, indirect or direct, for pipes” and that crack pipes were “never” going to be included in te handouts. HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said that “no federal funding will be used directly or through subsequent reimbursement of grantees to put pipes in safe smoking kits.”

However, in true blue democratic style no plan was ever offered on how the Biden’s administration would ensure that its grant money wouldn’t go toward crack and meth pipes. According to the Free Beacons report earlier this year both pipes happen to be commonly included in the programs safe smoking kits.

In May the administration announced the recipients of the grants. One recipient on the list was a Maine health group that funnels money to two harm reduction organizations that are known to distribute the drug paraphernalia.

The two groups, Church of Safe Injection and Maine Access Points, were not listed as recipients to the Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services grant program. MaineHealth, the largest health network in Maine, is listed as the lone recipient of the $1.2 million grant. According to a local news outlet MaineHealth coordinated with the two harm reduction groups to distribute the drug paraphernalia throughout the state.

HHS did not respond to requests for comment.

This is not the first incidence of drug paraphernalia being handed out by the Biden Administration approved grant recipients. Just last month The Daily Caller reported that a New York organization, who was awarded nearly $400,000 through the grant program, was also actively distributing crack pipes.


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