Tucker Carlson of Fox News in a single opening monologue seriously angered the military. It was an unthinkable gaffe for an experienced political talk host and analyst to make and its’ consequences are far reaching. The mistake the military made after is even more troubling. The trouble began last week when Carlson took the example of maternity flight suits as an exemplar of the US Military taking a more “feminine” stance comparing it to the rapid strengthening of China’s military as they drastically increase their naval and air power.
Carlson said “While China’s military becomes more masculine as it assembles the world’s largest navy, our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, ‘more feminine.’”
Following criticism from several prominent military Twitter accounts Thursday, Carlson answered with a segment stating, “Maybe pregnant women make the best pilots. The Department of Defense measures everything, so there’s got to be extensive research on this question. If the Pentagon can show that pregnant pilots are the best, we will be the first to demand an entire air force of pregnant pilots. The problem is we’re pretty confident that Joe Biden hasn’t asked to see those numbers.”
The Responses From The Military Were Surprising … And Harsh to Carlson
Multiple official military accounts immediately criticized Tucker Carlson’s remarks in a stark departure from standard military policy which is to stay above political discourse. Responses from II Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group drew a stern letter from Senator Ted Cruz. Multiple conservatives also replied to the US Space Command, Senior Enlisted Leader Master Gunnery Sgt. Scott H. Stalker.
Drama TV – my response to Mr. Carlson’s comments on women in the Armed Forces. @TuckerCarlson pic.twitter.com/acix7CFLO9
— U.S. Space Command, Command Senior Enlisted Leader (@US_SpaceComCSEL) March 11, 2021
Matt Walsh wrote “This video is a disgrace. You’re wearing the uniform and attacking a civilian for expressing his opinion. Disgusting. You should be removed from command.” Author Gad Saad added “The fact that Tucker served or not in the military is utterly irrelevant to the issue. This is like arguing that your oncologist is ill-equipped to comment about your cancer because bruh she never suffered from cancer. [I’ll retweet.]” But Allie Beth Stuckey said it best “But you didn’t actually make any sort of argument or rebuttal here. I am not even sure what was said.”
Sen. Ted Cruz Answers With Outrage
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), said Sunday, “Under Biden, the military is launching political attacks to intimidate Tucker Carlson & other civilians who criticize their policy decisions. Officials in uniform are being used for the campaign. I’ve demanded a meeting with the Commandant of the USMC to put a stop to it.” Cruz called the remarks “ostentatiously childing and simply outrageous”
In his letter to the Secretary of Defense Cruz wrote according to the Washington Examiner,
“I am deeply troubled that the commitments you made, and the military’s broader obligation to avoid political endorsements and controversy, are being systematically undermined for the sake of leftwing ideology and political expediency,” the Texas Republican wrote.
Cruz then said the Pentagon launched “systematic, public attacks against television host Tucker Carlson that in substance, tone, and political resonance are inexplicably inappropriate.”
“This spectacle risks politicizing the military after several centuries of efforts to keep military officials out of domestic affairs, undermining civil-military relations by having the military take a side in a contentious cultural dispute, and the perception that military leaders are happily weaponizing the institution against political critics of the sitting administration,” the senator wrote in his letter. “This kind of behavior, while perhaps typical in a military-controlled Third World country, is completely unacceptable in the United States of America.”
Under Biden, the military is launching political attacks to intimidate Tucker Carlson & other civilians who criticize their policy decisions.
Officials in uniform are being used for the campaign.
I've demanded a meeting with the Commandant of the USMC to put a stop to it. pic.twitter.com/Ihl8xRJr0S
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 14, 2021
The Texas Senator has requested a meeting with the Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David H. Berger, in the meanwhile Captain Andrew Wood of the Marine Corps told the Washington Examiner, “The unit is currently reviewing their internal procedures for social media posts. While the post was intended to show support for women in the military, it was not executed according to the standards of decorum expected on the Marine Corps’ social media platforms,”
Whether you agree with Tucker Carlson’s comments or not, the military officers who allowed these very public comments have stepped in two things: first, a foul political arena that the American people and the founders never wanted them to lower themselves into… and s***.