Trump Furious

Trump FURIOUS, Unloads on Backstabbing Turncoats

If there is one thing that we do not have enough of in the world right now, it is loyalty to people who are trying to do the right thing. During his time as President, Donald Trump spent every minute of the day trying to do the right thing. How people are still treating him is absolutely sickening.

President Donald Trump is reminding Republican turncoats of the consequences of their actions in a fiery set of tweets about the 2020 election, saying that he will “never forget” them abandoning the fight against election fraud.

In his tweets, Trump noted that he was a big part of the reason why Republicans won their elections in the House and Senate, and that it is going to hurt them with their voters if they don’t support the president after all of his hard work.

“I saved at least 8 Republican Senators, including Mitch, from losing in the last Rigged (for President) Election. Now they (almost all) sit back and watch me fight against a crooked and vicious foe, the Radical Left Democrats. I will NEVER FORGET!” Trump tweeted on Christmas Eve.

The president is expecting help from the Senate during the joint session of Congress on January 6, during which the lawmakers are supposed to count the votes from the Electoral College. Some lawmakers have indicated that they will be challenging the results by objecting to counting votes from some battleground states where voting irregularities have been uncovered.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was one of the first to stab the president in the back, urging other senators not to join in the fight to challenge the votes. Supporters of President Trump have made their anger at McConnell known, after he congratulated Joe Biden on his “victory.”

According to some reports, McConnell plans to directly reach out to Alabama’s Senator-elect Tommy Tuberville, who has indicated his support for challenging the Electoral College vote. Tuberville won his election with President Trump’s support, defeating RINO Senator Jeff Sessions in the primary elections earlier this year.

Another turncoat, Senate Republican Whip John Thune, spoke about people “reaching out” to Tuberville to try to discourage him from supporting Trump: “Ultimately every senator will have to make their own decision about that but I think there will be people, yeah, reaching out him just to kind of find out” what he’s going to do.

“If nothing else, we need to kind of know the plan,” he added. “We’ll see. He’s made some public statements” about objecting to the vote.

Trump recently called Thune out in a tweet, saying that he may face a primary challenge in 2022 over his lack of support:

“Republicans in the Senate so quickly forget. Right now they would be down 8 seats without my backing them in the last Election. RINO John Thune, ‘Mitch’s boy’, should just let it play out. South Dakota doesn’t like weakness. He will be primaried in 2022, political career over!!!” the president tweeted.

Trump supporters have indicated that they will not tolerate the actions of these establishment Republicans and turncoats.

One Twitter user called out senators, including McConnell, who may choose not to support Trump, writing: “you better understand that we, the American people who elected you, will NEVER forgive you if you do not fight for
@realDonaldTrump. All that matters is Trump. Find your courage and #StopTheSteal”.

  1. “Trump” … is Totally Correct! What a Bunch of Cowards and POS’s!!! They would “Sell their Mothers” before they would “Rock the Boat or Defeat Fraud against their NOW – Compadres or Better Still … Partners in Crime!!!!!


  2. I remember early in Trump’s presidency, he got into a bit of a dust up with McConnell about how slowly congress acted. What Trump basically told them there was no sense of urgency in the Republicans. The lack of action by McConnell and the other rinos shows clearly he was correct. I would not envy the person who has Trump come to his/her state to campaign to primary them out of office.

  3. I do not remember the New York Post going after Al Gore for going after Florida court case or going to Congress to overturn the election,
    When RATS do it, every Judge is ok with it. He had standing but President Trump did not!

  4. America, when is enough, enough; or who the hell are we?

    As an American soldier most of my days and nights from 1960 through 1982 were spent training to fight, teaching others to fight, and/or fighting so-called socialists and/or communists. Truth is most of those I encountered and/or negated were poor souls that some self-serving politician had used the ideology to convince them they were fighting for something or someplace called ‘Utopia’.
    Then in the early eighties the Muslims came along to make things a little more interesting. Most of the Muslim fighters had some really unique reasons to fight/die. They were promised another world with beautiful virgins just lying around ready to satisfy their every desire.
    Now comes a group of folks (most of them calling themselves democrats, progressives, whatever…) promising a whole rash of things that only a moron with an IQ below 50 would stop smoking his/her/its joint long enough to listen. So what kind of society are these democrats offering?
    By the way, are these the same democrats that started a war that lasted over four years with over 675,000 casualties to keep over 4,000,000 souls in bondage. Are these the same democrats who formed the KKK, institutionalized the Jim Crow laws, utilized share cropping to replace slave labor with ex-slaves, poor whites, and legal/illegal immigrants? Are these the same democrats who fought school integration, destroyed the black family, and placed much of the black community back in bondage through programs like the Great Society? Are these the same democrats who are not satisfied with killing over 60 million babies since 1970 and are currently taking actions to make killing even far easier?
    Now one last bullet (No belay that), how about one great big bomb before I attempt to answer my first question let me ask another. What kind of a society kills millions of babies while spending billions to provide for convicted criminals and inviting hoards from around the world to invade their land?
    As one who spent 45 years as a soldier/cop trying to serve/protect the American people I now gladly and with pure disdain/pity in my heart submit my answer to the questions.
    Americans do not comprise a society when one considers the standard definition of a society. America is mostly (‘mostly’, defined as one more than half) nothing more than a gaggle of self-serving, witless, cowards. Side note: Before living in the woods for the last 20 years and in my own ignorance, I originally labeled Americans as self-serving, witless, cowardly, pissants. Since living in these woods and becoming acquainted with several pissants, I can vouch for the fact that pissants are not self-serving or witless, and certainly not cowards!
    As for me, my remaining dream/prayer is that my President will accept the Citizens Emergency Constitutional Ordinance (CECO) provided to him by a group of retired military officers to assist him in the cleansing of the of the government of the United States of America and bring about a competent and efficient government with its primary objective of serving and protecting a truly free people.
    If the democrats and/or others continue to stand in resistance to my President, I have another dream. My President will commission me to negate the situation that currently exist with elements in the swamp and their allies in the media doing their dead level best to sell the ignorant masses on the so-called movement to socialism/communism and utopia. Hopefully without using any of the skills learned in ground combat as an infantry soldier, my team and I can complete the mission via persuasion rather than negation. Note: ‘Negation’ is the term the British 22nd SAS [Special Air Squadron] uses for the benefit the politicians and civilians in the audience when they discuss moving persons from ‘The Persons of Interest’ list to the ‘Persons No Longer of Interest’ list.
    There is one factor that will make the DC mission far easier than any of my out of CONUS (Continental USA, or as Vietnam era soldiers would say; “The land of round-eyed women and door knobs!”) missions. Not one time on all of those missions did I feel hatred for those I negated! It was just business!
    Soldier/Cop/Grunt, Retired

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