Europe is once again showing its true authoritarian colors, as one country has approved new restrictions on business and movement that will be in place until at least April 6.
The government of Italy is reportedly concerned about mutant strains of coronavirus, and has decided to impose another authoritarian lockdown. Regions of Italy with more than 250 cases per 100,000 people will be subject to full lockdown measures.
The Italian government, led by Prime Minister Mario Draghi, has leaked a draft of its lockdown order to Reuters. The news outlet reported:
“Under an order approved on [March 12] by Health Minister Roberto Speranza seven regions have been shifted into the toughest red zones, including Lombardy around Milan, and Lazio around Rome.
Three other regions were already red, meaning half the country’s regions and most of its population will be under the most severe restrictions from [March 15].
In these areas schools and non-essential shops will be closed and Italians will only be allowed to leave their homes for work, health or emergency reasons.”
“I hope that this will be the last sacrifice asked of our citizens,” said Lombardy President Attilio Fontana.
The order will only allow people to leave their homes for work, health reasons, or emergency reasons. Traveling between towns is reportedly going to be severely limited, and restaurants and bars will be shuttered.
The Bottom Line
Aren’t you glad you live in America? We may be dealing with serious authoritarian issues from Democrat leadership in this country, but at least we still have our freedom of speech, our right to bear arms, and our right to petition and protest the government. The citizens of these European countries seem to have no recourse to curb their governments’ power grabs, and its sad to see.