Speaker Johnson Draws a Clear Line in the Sand [Details]

House Speaker Mike Johnson had a few interesting things to tell the Hudson Institute about NATO. The alliance must be “a U.S.-led, America First coalition,” whether the new Secretary-General likes it or not. Some say elite European globalist Mark Rutte was tapped for the job specifically to stand up to Donald Trump. Johnson was making it crystal clear that Trump has allies in Congress. Ones who don’t care about the threat from nitrogen fertilizer or the importance of wide open borders.

NATO owes a bundle

There are nine of our crucial NATO allies who have been sending in IOUs instead of their membership dues. One of them is our friendly neighbor to the north, Canada. Congress is ready to turn their efforts to debt collection.

On Monday, July 8, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson gave an attention grabbing speech at the Hudson Institute.

Johnson is well aware that his appearance matches up well with this week’s NATO summit. He devoted his first comprehensive public speech on the subject to outline “his vision for a foreign policy.

It’s one “that bridges the historical Republican view of leadership in the world with criticism from former President Trump that allies are exploiting U.S. investments in defense.” He did a good job of channeling Ronald Reagan.

Since we’re the ones expected to come up with the lion’s share of money, weapons and other resources, for the protection of the entire alliance, all those metrosexual Europeans need to understand a few things.

NATO, Johnson announces, will be “a U.S.-led, America First coalition that advances the security interest of Americans and engages abroad with the interests of working families and businesses here at home.” It will be “good for everybody,” he insists. Canada is at the top of his list.

Imagine China being in charge of all the semiconductor production in the world.

Shame on Canada

As of the time Johnson gave his speech, there are “nine NATO allies who had yet to spend 2 percent of their GDP on defense spending.” They signed the contract. One of them is Canada. They just passed a spending plan “that will increase defense spending to 1.76 percent by 2030.” That lame attempt is “shameful” Johnson thundered.

Canadians aren’t ever expecting to cough up a full 2 percent and want to weasel along at a deep discount until Trump’s safely out of office again. “Talk about riding America’s coattails, they have the safety and security of being on our border.” They won’t even take Cher or Robert De Niro off our hands.

Republicans celebrate the peace and prosperity NATO has secured, and we’ll continue to stand by our partners as we prevent needless wars.” Like the one brewing with China over Taiwan. Unlike the current administration, he’s not afraid to talk about defending them.

If for no other reason, semiconductors.” No matter what diplomatic arrangements China has with its island territory, we have our own national security to worry about.

Imagine China being in charge of all the semiconductor production in the world, and controlling the trade routes through that part of overseas trade, it’s an unimaginable prospect.” European NATO leaders have been making back room deals with the Pooh Bear, promising to sit it out when he makes his big “re-unification” move.

Johnson isn’t letting them get away with such shady World Economic Forum inspired nonsense. “We defend freedom of people, we stand for freedom, the nation of Taiwan is important to defend for all of its merits, but it’s also directly in our economic, stability interests.

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