Police weren’t going to bother showing up in person, simply to take a report. The looters had all left by then, so there was nobody to shoot. Just go online and fill out the form, they advised the store manager. After he posted video online of what happened, the cops decided that maybe they better pay him a visit, after all. It’s no surprise the city’s mayor is subject to a recall effort. That whole FBI raid on her house had nothing to do with her, Mayor Sheng Thao insists.
Not a police priority
Just before 4:30 a.m. on Friday morning, Police were safely in their station munching pastries, as a mob of Oakland anarchists watched one of the recently popular “sideshows.”
That’s what they call stolen cars doing “doughnuts” in an intersection, terrorizing ordinary citizens trying to get to work. The crowd eventually decided they wanted breakfast and headed to the closest convenience store.
Because crime in Oakland is so totally out of control, due to lack of police or prosecution, the manager was locked in the store, doing business through a walk-up window. It didn’t matter to the roughly 80 to 100 criminals that the doors were locked. They broke right through and took anything they wanted. Damage estimates are in the thousands.
Mob of 80 to 100 looters broke into and robbed an Oakland gas station market of an estimated $100K in merchandise on Friday morning.
It took police 9 hours to arrive on the scene.
— Paul A. Szypula ???????? (@Bubblebathgirl) July 6, 2024
You know things are bad when a local immigrant from the Mid-East complains about the chaos. “I come from Yemen, a third world country, and we don’t have those incidents in a third world country where there’s no law and order.”
Sam Mardaie owns the 76 gas and convenience store located near the San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport. When the barbarian horde ransacked his business, “shelves were ripped apart, all the grocery items were torn or stepped on or vandalized.” Two employees were held prisoner inside the store and threatened.
The “mass pillaging” lasted around 40 minutes. As soon as they got loose, the workers called police. Too late, they were told. The “dispatcher informed the caller the crime was listed as a Priority 2, as no suspects were on scene, adding it could be reported online.” What are you calling us for? Call your insurance adjuster and grab a broom.

Video raised the priority
It was amazing how fast the surveillance video went viral. When someone shared a copy with the police department, the incident was suddenly escalated “to a Priority 1 and an officer was sent to the store nine hours after the robbery began.”
Nine hours late but moving fast. “I hope we’re not too soon!” Officers yelled, as they barged through the shattered doors.
Looters boldly snatched “drinks from the fridges, food items off the shelves, boxes and baskets belonging to the store and a television.” Some “climbed over the register and looted items from underneath the counter.”
Mob of nearly 100 looters ransacks Oakland gas station as store owner says police took hours to respond: ‘Back to square one’ https://t.co/kd24acPM64 pic.twitter.com/flm19cvpEx
— New York Post (@nypost) July 6, 2024
They walked away with “$25,000 in cash,” taken from the store’s register and ATM, but “the looters couldn’t grab the safe.” Police explain they were watching another “sideshow” at the time.
Officers “had been responding to a sideshow near the airport that had over 100 cars,” police authorities explain. An hour-and-a-half after that, they were dealing with a burglary. That one was ongoing so they had someone to shoot at. Besides trying to fire their useless mayor, who’s boyfriend is allegedly peddling her influence to the local garbage collector, Oakland citizens are beginning to take justice into their own hands.
“In February, a Texas attorney offered a $10,000 reward after her son, who had been refueling his rental car, was robbed at gunpoint at the same gas station.” that wasn’t a police priority, either.