
Matt Gaetz Just Did Something That Has Americans Everywhere Cheering

Congressman Matt Gaetz just made a huge power move…and it’s clear he’s staking out a path for the rest of his colleagues to follow if the federal government shuts down in the next few days as expected. Having made a name for himself as a strong advocate for the fiscally conservative policies of former President Donald Trump, Gaetz just proved he’s an unwavering supporter of the American people.

Rep. Gaetz sent a letter to Catherine Szpindor, Chief Administrative Officer of the U.S. House of Representatives, instructing her office to withhold his congressional salary for the duration of any shutdown should it occur – even though members are typically not affected by such budget lapses according to constitutional law.

With this move, Matt Gaetz demonstrated that he is willing to put his own financial security on the line in order to stand up for what he believes in – and this action speaks volumes about his commitment to fiscal conservatism within Congress.

On the campaign trail, Rep. Gaetz has been a fierce defender of former President Donald Trump’s policies – offering himself as a surrogate at GOP debates when Trump skipped them due to other engagements or personal reasons.

He has also had more light-hearted commentary, as when he laughed at Bud Light for going “woke” saying that no one wants “to buy a beer from Lizzo” which brought laughter from cable news viewers across America.

His views often receive criticism from both sides due to their controversial nature however, they continue to get him noticed among many Republicans who want someone who will take risks and fight against regulations which take away their rights as law-abiding citizens.

The feud between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has grown stale over recent weeks with Gaetz leading a charge against McCarthy if he does not negotiate enough concessions with White House officials while McCarthy continues daring him on issues which concern Ukraine funding or impeachment inquiries into President Donald Trump’s administration during its time in office.

Democrats have even stepped forward offering McCarthy an opportunity keep his position if only he would drop his investigations into impeachment proceedings and commit fully towards continuous funding for Ukraine however, there is no telling how this situation may evolve soon enough.

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