
Liz Cheney in BIG Trouble, GOP Members Follow Through With REMOVAL

Liz Cheney is considered one of the biggest Swamp RINO’s in the GOP and a state Senator has stepped up to the plate to challenge her in the primaries.

Cheney Sees Challengers Arising

She was a leader in the Republican Party is trying to get President Donald Trump impeached for doing nothing wrong.

Well, patriots are sick of dealing with top politicians like Cheney and Wyoming state Sen. Anthony Bouchard filed on Wednesday his intentions to run against her.

Many House Republicans have called for her removal from her position of leadership in the House Republican caucus.

RINOs of a Feather Flock Together

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has shown himself to be a Democrat sympathizer himself. He has held strong in standing by Cheney and backed her decision to vote to impeach Trump.

“This is the same leadership team, with the ranking members and others, that came five seats away from winning a majority when everybody in America thought we were going to lose twenty seats,” McCarthy said on Thursday.

“We allow differences of opinion inside our conference. They’re welcomed. But I think there’s questions that need to be answered, style in which things were delivered. At the end of the day, we will unify because our policies are right,” he continued. “Do we have growing pains? Yes, we will. But we will do it in our private manner of a conference that we hold every time, and we’ll have it next week.”

Majority Want Cheney Gone

It is reported that the desire to see Cheney removed from her leadership position is now held by the majority of House GOP members. According to Politico:

The most immediate threat to Cheney — a push by Trump loyalists to oust her as conference chair — has gained momentum inside the House GOP, although the process is complicated and could still sputter out. But at least 107 Republicans, or just over a majority, have communicated to the leaders of that effort that they would support removing Cheney from leadership on a secret ballot, according to multiple GOP sources involved in the effort. Others are threatening to boycott future conference meetings if she remains in power.

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