Kyle Rittenhouse Just Got the Last Laugh, Joshua Ziminski Heading to Prison

In the wake of the Kenosha riots, Joshua Ziminski has been sentenced to 20 months in prison for burglary and robbery with threat of force charges.

His rap sheet is long and he was out on bail when he and his wife committed a series of crimes that landed them each with seven felony charges.

Joshua Ziminski’s involvement with unrestful activities dates back to before Kyle Rittenhouse had to fire shots in self-defense.

He was charged with arson and two misdemeanors during 2020 Kenosha unrest following Jacob Blake’s police shooting, while his wife Kelly was charged with two misdemeanors.

Cellphone footage shows that both were involved in blocking law enforcement vehicles attempting to clear an area south of 56th Street on Sheridan Road due to a curfew imposed at the time.

The video also showed Joshua lighting up a dumpster, which he then pushed onto Sheridan Road as police vehicles approached him, and Kelly adding flammable material to increase the fire’s intensity.

On August 26, 2022, at around 2am, Kenosha Patrol Officer encountered a 54 year old man who reported that two men and Kelly had just robbed him after he met her earlier in the week when she cleaned his home for money.

When they arrived at his house unannounced, Joshua held him up at knifepoint demanding all his money while Kelly took out her phone to record it all – apparently believing this would somehow help their cause.

They then drove off together towards Lou Perrine’s Speedway Kwik Trip Chase but each time failed attempted transactions ended their crime spree.

The victim managed pick Josh out from photo lineup making it possible for authorities charge them both seven felonies.

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