The more radically progressive Democrat candidate for the White House, Kamala Harris, put out a video that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt just how much of a communist she is. She’s allegedly running for the number two slot on the ticket but many Americans are totally convinced that if Joe Biden is elected, he won’t be president for long.
Communist all the way
Rabidly progressive Kamala Harris couldn’t wait to share a radical video on “equality” that Twitter doesn’t seem to mind one bit. In it, she argues in favor of uncut communist philosophy.
Not just the watered down socialism of Bernie Sanders and Venezuela, she’s promoting the same Iron Curtain communism that Reagan stamped out with Star Wars. Even the former officials of the Soviet Union, like Vladimir Putin have thrown in the towel on communism and now firmly embrace Donald Trump style capitalism.
Equality sounds like a worthwhile ethic to strive for, right? It is, when what you are talking about is equal opportunity for all to achieve the same outcome. Kamala Harris takes the communist view of that situation and instead of equalizing opportunity, she wants to equalize the end result. In other words, at the end of the race, everyone gets the winning prize, even the one who came in last.
The video Harris had produced clearly shows that she fully embraces the communist principle of “equality of outcome.” In a happy commune all the workers will happily bust their butts to provide food for every lazy sluggard in the group. They love the idea that everyone gets all that they need, even if nobody wants to produce it.
Sounds just like Karl Marx.
A century of history has shown where that path leads.
We all embrace equal opportunity, but government-enforced equality of outcomes is Marxism.
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) November 1, 2020
Climbing the mountain of life
Black people, Kamala Harris insist, aren’t good enough to compete on their own without a head start. The same way that women golfers get to tee up a few yards ahead of the men, people of color should be given a head start based on their race.
She uses the false illusion that Black people don’t start life on an even level with Whites. Even poor, ignorant White people without two nickels to rub together are way ahead of any Black person, even the successful ones like Oprah Winfrey. Communist sympathizers don’t like that one bit.
The cartoon that Harris produced, because she assumes that Black people can’t read, opens with two characters, one White, one Black, “staring up at a mountain they were attempting to climb.” Both men, the video makes clear, “are given the same length rope.”
There’s still a problem. The White man is positioned at the end of his rope to start while the Black man is assumed to be at the “bottom of a cliff and unable to reach his rope.” That’s not exactly true but the Democrat communist party doesn’t see it that way, and neither do the fact checkers.
Harris actually narrates the video, so she can’t blame it on anybody else. “So if we’re all getting the same amount but you started out back there and I started out over here, we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me,” her propaganda states.
“It’s about giving people the resources and support they need so that everyone can be on equal footing, and then compete on equal footing. Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.” So, there it is. The famous communist maxim. All the happy proletariats can’t wait for the unearned rewards Democrats promise to start dishing out as soon as they overthrow the president.