He’s DEAD… Entire Nation OUTRAGED

There is yet more blood on the hands of this administration.

A six-year-old boy was recently killed while doing nothing more than riding his bike.

He was killed by someone that should not have even been in this country.

Avoidable Death

Matteo Garcia and his parents clearly thought the boy was not in any danger.

He was just riding his bike in the parking lot of his apartment complex when his life was taken.

That happened because Julian Montoya, a 19-year-old illegal alien, allegedly went barreling through the parking lot.

Neighbors screamed, hoping to get the young boy’s attention, but he did not hear them.

Montoya never slowed down.

When the illegal immigrant was later interviewed by police, he gave two different stories.

First he said he never saw the boy, then he said he did not have enough time to react… he also did not have a license.

If he was not in this country, if he had been deported, that little boy would be alive.

Let’s see if Joe Biden talks to Garcia’s parents, or invites them to the White House.

My guess is no.

Source: Breitbart

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