
President Announces Massive Operation… THOUSANDS Arrested

This video of a “mega prison” being pumped full of MS-13 gang bangers has been going viral. Everyone in America asks why can’t we do something like this to our criminals? Places like Chicago and Philadelphia are so out of control that migrants get a taste of local life and head straight for Canada. Democrat run cities are worse than the third world nations they came from, and colder, too.

Mega prison latest trend

This mega prison is something which Americans would like to see as a growing trend. Defunding the police and refusing to prosecute criminals emptied all ours. Maybe it’s time to start filling them back up again, and doing it right.

Now that all the honest citizens have left El Salvador for the United States, government officials decided to actually do something about their gang problem.

On February 24, Reuters reported that “El Salvador’s government moved thousands of suspected gang members to a newly opened ‘mega prison‘ on Friday.

It’s only “the latest step in a controversial crackdown on crime that has caused the Central American nation’s prison population to soar.

The nation’s El Presidente, Nayib Bukele, was grinning from ear-to-ear as he tweeted “this will be their new home, where they won’t be able to do any more harm to the population.

The video shows the arrival of around 2,000 accused gang members. There’s room for 38,000 more. That makes it the largest prison in the Americas. North America needs one of those for the crips and bloods.

Stripped down and running

Bukele posted the video showing “prisoners stripped down to white shorts, with their heads shaved.” They’re “seen running through the new prison into cells. Many bear gang tattoos.” Pretty much all of them.

Human rights activists are furious because they’re convinced innocent people were dragged off to jail as part of the mass crackdowns. So what? Officials shrug. Things were so out of control that they can’t afford to take chances. If you act like a gangster, and look like a gangster, you probably are.

Human rights organizations also complain that “more than 64,000 suspects have been arrested in the anti-crime dragnet. Arrests can be made without a warrant, private communications are accessible by the government, and detainees no longer have the right to a lawyer.” Tough.

They have a nice shiny new prison. “Bukele’s anti-gang push remains widely popular with Salvadorans, and the country’s security minister told Reuters it would continue until all criminals are captured.

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