Biden campaign insider

Biden Insider Hammers Final Nails into Sinking Campaign

The last 24 hours have made it obvious that the Democrats and the left-wing media have lost control of the narrative surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop, as an insider has come forward to corroborate the information on the hard drive.

The laptop saga has been substantiated now by multiple people involved in the Biden family’s business dealings, including Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden who was the recipient of one of the emails found on Hunter’s hard drive.

A full statement by Bobulinski was given to the New York Post late Wednesday night, and was widely reported by conservative media on Thursday morning.

In confirming Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s foreign business dealings, Bobulinski’s insider statement turns the Hunter Biden laptop saga into the Joe Biden corruption story.

Bobulinski, in one of the biggest bombshells in his statement, confirmed that the phrase “the big guy” from one of the emails did in fact refer to Joe Biden.

That email stated that “the big guy” was going to be receiving a ten percent share of future earnings in a deal with the now-bankrupt CEFC, a Chinese energy company. Bobulinski also confirmed that the initials “JB” in the same email refer to Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, who was also set to receive a ten percent share in the business venture.

Bobulinski revealed that he had received a request from both the Senate Finance Committee and the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee to turn over related documents, and that he intended “to produce those items to both Committees in the immediate future.”

Fox News obtained a text message sent to Bobulinski on May 20, 2017, which was shared by reporter Mike Emanuel. In this message, James Gilliar, another Biden family business insider, gave Bobulinski some advice.

The WhatsApp message from Gilliar read: “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face. I know u know that but they are paranoid.”

Clearly, this evidence that is continuing to pile up can no longer be suppressed by the mainstream media and the Democrats. They may already know this, but they are still holding tight to the narrative that this is all a “Russian disinformation campaign.” How long can they keep blaming Russia before the American people say enough?

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