On Tuesday, Joe Biden apparently confirmed the rumor started by Kamala Harris on Saturday that she’s really the candidate, something that conservatives have been alleging all along. Joe climbed out of his basement for a “socially distant” conversation with a small number of “veterans and military spouses at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Florida.” While Trump packs stadiums, Creepy Joe plays to a meeting room at the community college. That speaks volumes right there.
The Harris-Biden campaign
Joe Biden claims he doesn’t have dementia or any other serious mental health problems so he must have been telling the truth when he told supporters in Tampa that “the Harris-Biden administration” will allegedly “make it easier for military spouses and veterans to find meaningful careers,” which is a program Ivanka Trump is already on top of.
If he does manage to get “elected,” it’s clear he’s only a temporary placeholder and won’t be around for long. “The bad news is I show up when I’m invited,” was his most popular line at the event. He promised those that DailyMail calls “the socially distanced group of six,” that “he would follow-up with them on anything unanswered. ‘I’m like the poor relative. The poor relatives show up, eat all your food, stay longer than they should. The wealthy ones don’t come.'” He’s about as welcome in Florida as Hurricane Sally right now. Just like Sally, he showed up whether they wanted him or not.
His question and answer session didn’t inspire a whole lot of enthusiasm. He’s slower than Jeb Bush. “Biden would listen intently and give long-winded answers, though would slip in digs at Trump.” The Harris campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dillon defended Joe’s basement exile from politics. She “was horrified to see the pictures from last night” of a Trump rally held in Arizona. All those deplorable supporters made her want to run for a safe space and a can of Play-Doh. Trump may win at the polls, but they’ll stuff the mailbox so full of Harris-Biden ballots they’ll explode. They may end up turning in a whole lot more votes than there are voters, just to keep things fair.
WATCH: Joe Biden refers to a "Harris-Biden Administration."
He knows he's just an empty vessel for the radical left! pic.twitter.com/z6kv22VXat
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 15, 2020
Harris started the rumors
The whole controversy started with a slip of the tongue that Kamala Harris made on Saturday. Or, as conservatives suggest, was it really a Freudian slip? Maybe one of those market research “test balloons” to see how the idea might go over with the masses. While Joe refuses to creep his way into Arizona, Harris made an appearance, promising small business owners in a roundtable event that “the Harris administration, together with Joe Biden,” will stand firmly behind the “Build Back Better” initiative.
Kamala Harris can’t wait to start passing out reparations checks in the form of “$100 billion in low-interest loans and investment” directly to “minority business owners.” She’s a lawyer so caught her slip quick enough to cover it up with a hasty “…with Joe Biden as the president of the United States” but the damage was done. He may officially get elected but it won’t last long. Nancy Pelosi could end up getting a promotion. As the editor of Ricochet, Jon Gabriel tweeted, “Joe better hire a food taster.”
Greg Price of the Daily Caller was quick to add, “Uh oh, Kamala. You weren’t supposed to say that part out loud!!” The Trump war room wasted no time tapping out “that Biden’s running mate ‘lets the truth slip.'” All along, President Donald Trump has been calling Joe Biden “a Trojan Horse for socialism.” That may be a lot more accurate than he ever intended. Once Joe is elected “placeholder” president, after all the votes eventually get planted, his dementia or another suddenly diagnosed condition up to and including death is expected to conveniently follow, somewhere soon after the oath of office is administered.