
Biden Faces New Challenge as Polls Drop

President Joe Biden is facing some heavy back lash as the American people are fed up with the economy. The latest polling numbers are a troubling sign for Democrats as President Biden’s disapproval rating is on the rise. A majority of voters polled by multiple leftist mainstream media networks, such as The Washington Post-ABC News poll and NBC News, reported feeling worse off under his presidency than they have with any other president since Ronald Reagan in 1986.

These polls illustrate that there is substantial economic discontent among Americans, from all political affiliations, with 91% agreeing that food costs are negative, 87% feeling the same about gas and energy prices, 74% being concerned about the US economy, and 75% worried about wages.

It is even more concerning that despite President Biden’s clear lead over former President Trump in most general election polls, 18% of those who think Trump should not run again are still expressing their support for him over Biden. This could be indicative of a larger problem within the Democratic Party which could potentially endanger their chances of keeping control of the White House come 2024.

Rep Dean Phillips (D) from Minnesota recently spoke out regarding this issue when he said that he was open to challenging President Biden for the presidential nomination in 2024. He also encouraged other Democrats to join by entering into the race so that there can be choices available to voters if Biden does not make it through his term successfully or decides not to run again due to his age.

If Democrats do not take heed of Rep Phillips’ warnings and fail to prepare alternative candidates for 2024 to run against Biden, then they may find themselves losing ground against Republicans even if Joe Biden manages to win re-election next year.

However, a Biden win seems far from certain given how badly American people seem to feel economically right now. It would benefit the Democratic Party to start thinking about potential alternatives sooner rather than later if they want any chance at all against Donald Trump or another Republican candidate come 2024.

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