
Trump Dares Biden: 18 Holes For $1 Million – Spots Joe 20 Strokes

There’s no way Joe Biden is actually going to play golf with Donald Trump. Not for a million bucks. Not even if Trump spots him 20 strokes for 18 holes. He gave his “big boy” press conference on Thursday and appeared to pull it off but everyone could see how scripted, rehearsed and controlled it was. Joe’s handlers would never allow him to go wandering around a golf course on his own. He might get lost.

Biden defaults on challenge

Joe Biden was the one who brought it up, offering to play golf head-to-head against Donald Trump as long as Trump “carries his own bag.” Trump was okay with that requirement. On Tuesday, July 9, he officially challenged Joe to 18-holes at Doral. The stakes would be $1,000,000 to charity.

Trump called it a chance for Joe to “redeem himself” after his meltdown on the debate stage. Everyone else knows what the stakes really are. Televised proof that Joe can’t even play golf, much less run America.

I’m officially offering Joe the chance to redeem himself in front of the entire world,” Trump declared at a rally in Doral, Florida. He had another idea as well. “Let’s do another debate this week so that sleepy Joe Biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president.

Trump wants a real cage match. “But this time it will be man-to-man, no moderators, no holds barred. Just name the place, anytime, anywhere.

Joe isn’t off to grab a chain, like he did with Corn Pop back in the day. Instead, his handlers rushed to get a formal statement in all the news outlets firmly refusing such an insane stunt.

They say the whole concept is crazy, while conveniently forgetting Biden is the one who started it. It just blurted out while they were bickering over which one of them was the worst president.

Joe’s handlers would never allow him to go wandering around a golf course on his own.

Offer not practical

The Hill was quick to point out that Trump’s “offer is not a practical one given Biden is in Washington, D.C., this week attending the NATO summit with other world leaders before heading to Detroit on Friday to campaign.

Joe managed to pull off the widely anticipated press conference but those who watched it say he seemed to be getting fed the words in his ear somehow. There weren’t any obvious signs of an earpiece but we’ve had the technology for decades to send sound waves directly through your collarbone. DARPA could have worked the bugs out by now.

Trump was serious when he “offered to give Biden a 20-stroke advantage and donate $1 million to a charity of Biden’s choice if the president prevailed.” Joe’s campaign rushed to get an official response going viral on social media.

Joe “doesn’t have time for Donald Trump’s weird antics – he’s busy leading America and defending the free world.” He snubbed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by calling him “President Putin.

Joe won’t be playing golf with Trump or having any debates that aren’t carefully controlled by the administration’s pet media networks. He’s also not handing the nuclear launch codes to Kamala Harris yet, either.

I am not going anywhere. And I wouldn’t be running if I didn’t absolutely believe that I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2024,” Biden continues to insist. He may be Democrat’s best candidate but he’s not going to beat Trump. Not legitimately. Some say he already has all the votes he needs all boxed up and ready to be counted. That whole scheme falls apart if he’s not on the ballot.

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