As if on command with the 2022 Election forthcoming, it has been announced that the ex-wife of Hunter Biden: Ms. Kathleen Buhle is gearing up to release a “tell-all memoir” of how “addiction and infidelity ended her 24-year marriage”. The Biden family has expressed serious concerns over what could be revealed in the past, are they still afraid? The new book, entitled, “If We Break: A Memoir of Marriage, Addiction, and Healing,” is due to hit shelves June 14th, funnily enough, right before the 2022 Primary season kicks off. Allegedly the story will focus on Buhle’s upbringing, marriage to Hunter, and the “lessons she learned through the divorce”, but what many folks are wondering: is what those “lessons” entail, particularly whether or not one or many of those “lessons” were taught be a vengeful father-in-law or mother-in-law.
According to The Daily Mail, the book will be more detailed than some might like,
“The book will discuss the ‘heavy toll’ drug addiction takes on relationships, as Hunter Biden, fueled by a coke and alcohol habit, spent the couple’s money on drugs, alcohol, strippers and prostitutes, and engaged in an affair with his dead brother Beau’s wife Hallie. “
“When my marriage ended, I felt like I’d lost my sense of who I was,” Buhle told People. “Anyone who has seen addiction ruin a relationship, or been through infidelity and divorce, can tell you how devastating it feels. But what I also realized through those crushing experiences is that I needed to find a way to stand on my own.”
News Outlets And Even The Biden Family Are Wondering: What Does She Know?
Most fascinatingly The Dailly Mail reporting has suggested that the Biden clan have something to fear from Buhle that Hunter sought to minimize, they wrote,
“In a March 2019 text message, Hunter Biden wrote to his father that ‘you guys are unreasonably scared of Kathleen.’
‘She’s done the worst she can do with no push back,’ he added in text messages from his abandoned laptop verified by”
The type of inside knowledge that Buhle may possess could be absolutely devastating. If the elder Bidens attempted to silence her or coerce her into not revealing Hunter’s stunning debauchery and infidelity then the impact to the already deathly anemic polling numbers of the Biden-Harris regime may be completely irreversible. Should Biden be de facto rendered ‘no-factor’ in the 2024 Presidential election then the Democrats are in significant trouble. They quite literally have no bench, there is no alternate candidate, the situation is so desperate that some Democrats are even courting a draft of Hillary Clinton to reprise her 2016 run. The Biden family is about to fall out of power… and they seem to know it.