
Teacher Berates Young Student for Wearing Pro Police Mask [Viral Video]

There will be one less substitute teacher available to brainwash young minds in Grass Valley, California. The well indoctrinated progressive went postal when one 13-year-old student dared to wear a mask with a deplorable thin blue line on it. The whole thing was caught on viral video.

Teacher learns a lesson

This popular video may not wind up in evidence against the unidentified substitute teacher but he “will no longer be teaching.” He’s learning a lesson in civility and has already been judged guilty in the court of public opinion.

All it took to trigger the far-left rampage was an American Flag mask sporting one thin blue line in the middle. According to the County Superintendent, not only did the radical sub get canned, “the incident is under investigation.

Daring to support the police in today’s woke society was enough to trigger the socialist substitute teacher.

That’s not the American flag, that’s the new confederacy flag,” he screamed at the young Lyman Gilmore Middle School student. Both the parents of Lucas Lillar “are in law enforcement” and he frequently wears the mask to school.

I never had someone talk to me like that, yell at me in my face, especially a teacher,” Lucas told the press.

After his telephone melted into a pool of hot plastic from the things irate parents in his district were yelling through it, Scott W. Lay, the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools, issued a statement. “The incident is currently under investigation, and we will take appropriate action.

They’re allowed to fire him

The very first thing that Superintendent Lay promised parents is that even if nobody has the power to do anything else, the “California Education Code §44953 allows for immediate dismissal of a substitute teacher.

The district, he assures, expects “all educators to perform their duties with utmost respect and professionalism to afford our youth an environment conducive to learning.

The disgraced radical can think twice about packing up his apartment and moving up the coast to somewhere a little more liberal.

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing that governs educator credentials will be informed of this incident.” As detailed in the video, the altercation starts when the teacher “reprimanded him in front of the class.

That’s not the American flag, that’s the new confederacy flag!” The stunned student tried to explain, “It’s the thin blue line.” Not to the Marxist teacher. “No, it’s black, white with some blue line in it.” Facts and reality matter more to the students than the indoctrinators these days.

It’s the thin blue line,” Lucas repeats leaving out “you stupid idiot” as  he thought in his head. To which, the alleged stupid idiot replies “yeah, but it’s not American!” Everybody wonders why California police officers are ambushed and murdered on a daily basis.

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