
Senate Advances Act Without Adding Democrat Pork

The Senate is moving the Laken Riley Act through procedure with lightening speed. They’re not giving progressives a chance to stuff it full of pork, despite Democrat efforts. On Monday, January 13, it cleared “a second procedural hurdle.” It blasted through with an amazing 82-10 approval, showing how terrified Democrats are of the voters back home.

Senate clears the way

While Senate Democrats continue fighting hard to get their fingerprints on the politically charged Laken Riley Act, they can’t do it without Republican help. Which they’re not likely to get.

Liberals on the left want to “make alterations to the bill,” which they cant do without GOP approval. At this point, it’s on the floor for debate.

Democrats don’t have the political leverage they need to force Republicans to open the bill up for amendment. That’s because several of the blue team have already gone public to support the bill exactly as it stands, without changing a word.

They’re not giving progressives a chance to stuff it full of pork.

Once passed by the Senate and signed by President Trump, the law will “mandate federal detention of immigrants without legal status accused of theft, burglary and other related crimes.

A few days earlier, the act breezed through with “an overwhelming 84-9 margin.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer was one of the ones voting in favor, “alongside 32 other senators who caucus with the Democrats.

That appears to mean Bernie Sanders, a card carrying Socialist, must also be for it.

No conviction required

Schumer doesn’t have any leverage at all, so he’s begging. “We’re going to ask our Republican colleagues to allow for debate and votes on amendments. I hope my Republican colleagues will allow for it.” He’s not getting his hopes up real high, though.

He wants to see “robust” Senate debate, seeing opportunities to “improve this bill.” He wants to improve it into impotence.

Democrats are furious that all it takes to keep an illegal alien locked up is being “accused” of a crime. They would much prefer it not trigger until the criminal is properly convicted.

No conviction required.

The big hole in their logic is the fact that liberal prosecutors don’t prosecute, so the criminals are never properly convicted. They simply keep committing crimes and being released back on the street afterward. Republicans in the Senate are smart enough to realize that.

So far, “at least seven Senate Democrats have indicated they would vote for the bill in its current form.” All Republicans need are 7 or 8 Democrats to make the bill filibuster proof.

That, added to their own current majority, would give them the 60 votes they need to ram it through without any changes. Considering they have 7 already, it’s not likely the Senate will get a chance to weaken the measure in any way.

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