
Report: Antisemitic ‘Vile’ Office Destruction Hate Crime

The Capitol Hill office of Jewish lawmaker Brad Schneider was vandalized on Thursday. What happened on Independence Day was clearly a hate crime and nowhere close to an isolated incident. What’s the point of making laws when none of them are enforced? At least, not against anyone on the left.

His office, this time

This time, it was the Capitol hill office of Illinois lawmaker Brad Schneider hit with “shameful” anti-Jewish vandalism. Last weekend, his home was assaulted “at 2:30AM by approximately 50 masked demonstrators banging drums, blowing horns and screaming antisemitic chants.

Police are powerless to do anything about it because they’re protected Hamas supporters.

On Friday, Rep. Schneider denounced both the vandalism of his office and the “antisemitic demonstrations that occurred in Chicago on Independence Day.” All that these woke, liberal kids are doing is “empowering Hamas terrorists.

Somebody is organizing and funding the illegal hate crimes but Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray are carefully looking in other directions.

My Capitol office was vandalized yesterday in a vile act of hate in which the posters of the more than 100 people still held hostage in Gaza (including 8 Americans) were ripped from the wall, shredded and tossed across the hallway,” Schneider posted on social media. He was especially cheesed off by the timing.

This was a shameful act on any day, but especially on July 4, our country’s Independence Day. Sadly, it was but one of many hateful, un-American actions that took place across the country on the day we celebrate freedom and democracy.” What’s even more sad and shameful is that nobody in authority wants to lift a finger to stop it.

What’s the point of making laws when none of them are enforced? At least, not against anyone on the left.

Aware and investigating

We are aware and investigating,” the Capitol Police relate through a spokesunit. “To protect the investigation, we cannot provide any more information at this time.” There really isn’t any investigation into the office vandalism.

That’s the part they’re really trying to protect. They have no intention of arresting or prosecuting anyone, because the criminals, as previously mentioned, are protected Hamas supporters.

Schneider, his home and office are all prime targets for the Hamas irregulars because he’s “co-founder and co-chair of the bipartisan Abraham Accords Caucus to strengthen Israel’s standing in the Middle East.

All across the nation on Thursday, videos and reports came pouring in with terrorist supporting individuals “calling July 4th a ‘terrorist holiday‘ and burning American flags.” He’s upset.

It’s not just happening at my office in Washington, DC,” he posted. “The same groups that were at my house earlier in the week marched through Chicago on July 4th, not calling for peace, but rather condemning the United States of America.

Not only that, “these actions don’t advance peace. Instead, they play directly into the hands of Hamas terrorists enabling them to continue to hold hostage not only those they kidnapped from Israel, but all civilians in Gaza as well.” Capitol Police “did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the defacement of Schneider’s office.

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