
Video: Looting So Extreme, Even Looters Aren’t Safe

In recent weeks we’ve seen the most extreme examples of organized looting raids in Walnut Creek and San Francisco with at least eighty people in 25 vehicles sacking a Nordstrom and dozens attacking a Louis Vuitton outlet at Union Square in downtown San Francisco the night before. Little did we all know that in San Francisco’s lawless streets it isn’t even safe for the looters! Footage from San Francisco’s CBS5 KPIX revealed a chaotic scene as looters turned on one another, attacking each other in the streets.

A Santa Clara specialty sneaker store was the most recent location struck, with 25-35 people reported ransacking the ‘Fix Kicks’ store making off with shoes such as Jordans worth hundreds of dollars, leaving behind smashed-out windows and bare shelves in their wake.

Fox’s Sean Hannity explained,

“And meanwhile in San Francisco, well, theft and shoplifting have essentially been decriminalized and local businesses are now being destroyed one after another because of looting on a mass scale.

Now, many retail locations in San Francisco, they are closing early. Some are closing locations all together. In Illinois, where cash bail was recently abolished, we have more looting there. This is the inside of a high-end clothing store where a group of criminals they just walked in they helped themselves took just about everything that they wanted.”

Finally, Police Are Beginning To Catch Up With The Looters

According to a statement from the Walnut Creek Police Department, a total of three people (out of eighty) have been arrested in connection to the raid on the Walnut Creek Nordstrom. According to the WCPD, this even was ” clearly a planned event” San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin told KPIX during an interview Monday there are at least 25 more people involved in these mob-style robberies who are still on the streets.

Boudin’s office is reportedly awaiting additional arrests by the WCPD and is set to announce felony charges against those already taken into police custody in the coming days. The San Francisco Chronicle has reported that Boudin in a departure from his far-leftist anti-incarceration policies will be pursuing charges of  felony looting. “for which Boudin charged nine people who were arrested in connection with burglaries at the Louis Vuitton and other Union Square retailers, a cannabis dispensary and a Walgreens on Nov. 19 — is an offense under California law that encompasses grand theft, petty theft, and burglary during a state of emergency or evacuation order resulting from a natural or manmade disaster, such as an earthquake, fire, flood or riot.”

According to the SF Examiner, Boudin and other San Francisco leaders are promising to crack down, from Far-Leftist Gov. Gavin Newsom down to DA Boudin. “I’m outraged by the looting in Union Square last night,” wrote Boudin on Twitter. “We are seeing similar crimes across the country. I have a simple message: don’t bring that noise to our City. Great work by SFPD. Standby for felony charges.” It remains to be seen if the leftists’ sudden belief in law enforcement will be enough to turn back decades of their disastrous policies.


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