You just know that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds the impeachment of Trump as one of her best accomplishments.
Well, guess what…
Both impeachments could wind up in the shredder very soon if McCarthy gets his way.
Trash Them
Pelosi was livid doing Sunday morning TV shows this week.
The reason, Speaker McCarthy (R-CA) is talking about expunging the record of both Donald Trump House impeachments.
Pelosi stated, “Kevin is, you know, playing politics.”
I have to say, that line gets me every time when Pelosi uses it because if anyone was guilty of playing politics when they held the gavel, it was Nancy.
She continued, “It is not even clear if he constitutionally can expunge those things.
“If he wants to put his members on the spot, his members in difficult races on the spot, that is a decision he has to make. But this is not responsible.”
Pelosi added, “This is about being afraid.
“As I’ve said before, Donald Trump is the puppeteer and what does he do all of the time but shine the light on the strings.
“These people look pathetic.”
No… you know what is pathetic?
Having an 80-year-old senile man in the White House that cannot even walk up a flight of steps and trying to push the narrative that he is the best president in modern history.
Just go home to your gourmet ice cream, Nancy, and get out of our House.
Source: CNN