
Lyin’ Biden Spouts Debunked Lies About Trump

Joe Biden hasn’t wasted any time at all in spouting a completely debunked lie about President Donald Trump in a pathetically apparent smear attempt during his announcement nominating Judge Merrick Garland for Attorney General. It’s really kind of sad that President Trump can live rent-free in Joe Biden’s mind even after his apparent “victory”.

A Disturbing, Thoroughly Debunked Diatribe

In the highly disturbing 57 minute diatribe Biden repeatedly smeared and maligned the President, and laid all responsibility for the Capitol Siege at his feet, painting completely biased and flagrantly inaccurate comparisons between the 4 hour long occupation that claimed the lives of 5 to the BLM and Antifa riots that burned over half a dozen cities over 180 days in the summer of 2020.

Biden accused the President of “a complete failure to carry out equal justice” in his response to the Capitol breach versus law enforcement response to BLM and Antifa as disproportionately soft. Evidently the former VP didn’t see reports of protestors singing our national anthem being bombarded with tear gas, pepper balls, rubber bullets and other non-lethal rounds, or the tragic killing of Ashli Babbitt.

“The last four years we’ve had a president who’s made his contempt for our democracy, our Constitution, the rule of law clear in everything he has done. He unleashed an all-out assault on the institutions of our democracy from the outset, and yesterday was but a culmination … of that attack,”

“He deployed the United States military, tear-gassing peaceful protesters in pursuit of a photo opportunity in the service of his re-election, even holding the Bible upside down. The action that led to an apology from the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and an outspoken denunciation of the use of military for domestic political purposes from scores, scores of former military leaders and secretaries of defense, led by Secretary [Dick] Cheney,” Biden said, according to NPR.

President Donald Trump DID display a bible after violent rioters attempted to burn St. John’s Episcopal Church to the ground, only to be thwarted by the forces that President Trump deployed.

Kipp Jones of The Western Journal Wrote,

“Photos of the event show the Bible was held upright, and actually should remind us all of just how out of control leftist demonstrators were throughout last year.”

An Indication of Lies to come

This speech did little other than establish two things: Joe Biden is completely disconnected from reality and/or being fed totally debunked disinformation by his handlers, and that he is running the Barack Obama playbook to a ‘T’ immediately appointing Obama’s judicial stooge Judge Merrick Garland as AG. A more partisan choice was hardly possible. Welcome to Obama2.0 with a doddering, figure head at the helm, at least for now.

We do have a question for the former VP though: Where’s Hunter? He should start prepping for his own impeachment in 2023.

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