Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Appears in Law-Breaking Video Because Laws Don’t Matter to Dems

Kamala Harris is allowed to break the law by campaigning in church because the mom of Stacey Abrams has more clout than the IRS. Laws are only a tool to use against deplorable Trump supporters. They simply don’t apply to Democrats, who do as they please and face no consequences.

Kamala Harris above the law

Vice-Empress slash Border Czarina Kamala Harris won’t be caught dead anywhere near America’s border with Mexico. Instead, she would rather break the law by campaigning for an unpopular Democrat from the pulpits of Virginia churches.

She illegally plans to “deliver a video message to congregants in more than 300 black churches across Virginia urging them to vote for Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe in November’s election.” The IRS says that’s a no-no and will be looking into revoking the tax-exempt status of any participating church.

As spelled out in detail by the IRS’ “Tax Guide for Churches & Religious Organizations,” all IRC Section 501(c)(3) organizations, “including churches and religious organizations, are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.” Joe Biden needs to collect every penny in taxes he can get his evil hands on to offset inflation.

By tricking the churches into allowing Kamala to deliver campaign speeches, he’ll be able to start collecting taxes from the Black congregations that used to be exempt. It’s like getting a tithe of the tithe but he’ll be collecting more like a third than a tenth.

Failed candidate for Georgia governor, Stacey Abrams, assures Black Virginia churchgoers that what Kamala plans is just fine, because her mom said so.

She told one audience, “when she first got involved in politics, she thought it was wrong to combine politics and church. Later, however, her parents told her that the two topics always cross paths.” Especially her mom. “Politics is always in the church” her mother would tell her. The churches can subpoena her to their audit hearings.

Souls to the polls

Kamala Harris is hell bent to get “souls to the polls” to vote for Democrat gun grabber Terry McAuliffe in November. That’s why she’s starring in a video production which will air “between Sunday and election day.”

The video won’t be on anyone’s TV screen because it will only be shown in church. In flagrant denial of the IRS regulations, “Harris implores congregants to vote following church service.” She implies that the deacons will be provided with cattle prods, to direct congregants into the buses and delivered to the voting booth.

The “Souls to the Polls,” block-party style event features “top campaign surrogates after church near polling locations, to drive voter turnout.” Kamala Harris tries to act like she fits right in with a family of sharecroppers.

“We sang hymns about how faith combined with determination will see us through difficult times. And we were taught that it was our sacred responsibility to raise our voice and lift up the voices of our community. One of the most significant ways I believe that we can each use our voice is through our vote.” It’s fine if she were to stop right there. She breaks the law when she goes on to suggest that you vote for McAuliffe.

Kamala waves a bold middle finger at the IRS and asserts “my friend Terry McAuliffe is the leader Virginia needs at this moment.” She further enrages the IRS by stating “this is the first year that you can vote on Sunday. So please vote after today’s service.” It will be interesting if the IRS follows through and enforces the law.

“Violation of this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of excise tax.” The key word there is “may.” You know it would apply if it was Trump who someone was campaigning for. But, with it being a Democrat, who knows?

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