Jack Smith

Jack Smith SPECIAL PROTECTION… This Can’t Be True!

There is a juicy little narrative working its way around right now that some backroom deal was made between Democrats and Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

Now, would it surprise me if Johnson made some deal with Dems to get saved?

No, but I do not think it is the deal that is being pushed by the likes of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

Deal or No Deal

The vote had just come down regarding the motion to vacate being tabled in the House when Speaker Johnson made an announcement regarding a GOP bill to defund Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Johnson stated, “That’s not something you wave a wand and just eliminate the special counsel as a provision.

“There is a necessity for a function like that, because sometimes the Department of Justice — which is an executive branch agency — can’t necessarily, without a conflict of interest, investigate or prosecute the president who’s their boss, or the president’s family.”

Johnson is actually being smart here, even though most people will not agree with what he is saying.

The issue here is if the bill would make it through the House (maybe), through the Senate (unlikely), and then signed by Joe Biden (will never happen).

To be blunt, there is no victory in a bill being passed in the House that gets killed in the Senate.

All this does is give some GOP members something to use for their campaign to get re-elected, but in the big picture, it means nothing.

If anything, it hurts the House because then Dems can talk about the ridiculous partisan legislation that the Republicans were trying to pass.

Believe it or not, Johnson is allowing the GOP to save face here.

Now, as I stated, he may have made a different deal with Dems to pass some other legislation, but Jack Smith does not need his protection to keep prosecuting Trump, at least not for now.

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