
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Betrays Trump (Video)

President Donald Trump has been a heroic figure for the nation of Israel and how does Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repay him? He decides to betray the president and congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on an election they have yet to win.

Netanyahu Panders to Biden

On the morning of November 8, Netanyahu made an announcement that shocked many conservatives. He tweeted his highest congratulations to former Vice President Joe Biden and his radical running mate Kamala Harris.

However, one of the main problems here is that the Democratic duo has not won the presidential election as President Trump is fighting back against massive voter fraud that has deeply infiltrated the United States election process.

“Congratulations @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris,” Netanyahu wrote. “Joe, we’ve had a long & warm personal relationship for nearly 40 years, and I know you as a great friend of Israel.”

Later on, he released a video singing Biden’s praises. 

Apparently, the Israeli leader figured it was too risky to hold back and wait until the official results were in and decided to try and pander to Biden.

Mexican President Andres Manual Lopez Obrador appears to have a better handle on the situation than Netanyahu. He has declined to comment on the U.S. election until “all the legal matters have been resolved.”

If you were to conservatives a month ago that they would currently have more respect for the president of Mexico than the leader of Israel, they would have called you crazy.

Trump – The Most Pro-Israel President In History

For the past four years, President Trump has stood by Israel through the country’s tumultuous relationship with Iran and Palestine. The president delivered on a long-winded promise from the previous administration about moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The self-made billionaire has accomplished a historic peace deal in the Middle East that directly benefits Netanyahu’s country.  

President Donald Trump is without a doubt the most pro-Jewish and pro-Israel president in history.

The president was also responsible for ending the disastrous Iran nuclear deal that was the Obama-Biden administration entered into. Through this, Iran was able to give billions of dollars to the terrorist regime in Tehran and allowed for the advancement of nuclear capabilities in this country who hates Israel.

Democrats’ Contempt for Semitism

Within the Democrat Party, radical representatives have stated their vile intentions for Israel and Jews. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have all made very anti-Semitic remarks and Biden has refused to condemn their actions at any point in time.

So why would Netanyahu openly support a leader whose actions show his contempt for Israel? At this point, a solid answer is yet to be discovered.

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