
Insider Report: Tensions Building, Large Police Presence

A mounting protest is being monitored by police at the Colorado State Capitol in Denver and is enticing rioters in the wake of months of violent happenings in this city. 

Denver Protest Violence Escalates

A call for “F*CK THE FEDS OFF OUR STREETS” was sent out yesterday and relayed that a protest would occur at the Colorado Capitol building on July 24. 

State Senator Rob Woodward posted on Facebook that Governor Jared Polis was removing barriers around the building to make it easier for the anarchist to destroy more property. 

Legislative Staff Was Forewarned to Stay Away

Colorado legislative staff was given advance warning of the planned riot the day before and was told not to come into work and that the now mounting incident was expected to get unruly and dangerous. 

Live-stream footage shows a growing crowd in front of the steps of the Capitol building

In response to the protest that has infiltrated the Centennial State’s downtown Denver area and has caused over $1 million to the Capitol building alone, Democrat Governor Polis said, “We do not want federal law enforcement in Colorado.”

Police Descend On Growing Unrest

A Twitter user reports that “12 riot cops with pepper guns and heavy gear bags headed,” were en route to the area as of 5:21 p.m. 

As police presence gets stronger, it will only be a matter of time to see if this will de-escalate the situation or cause the rioters to lash out in force.

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