
BREAKING ALERT: Insider Exposes Violent Plot at Capitol Building, Staff on High Alert

ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter rioters continue to reign down terror on cities across the United States and Denver is experiencing an onslaught of violence which is said to amp up tomorrow at its Capitol building. 

Denver in for a Doozy

On Thursday afternoon, the Colorado State Senate revealed a potential big protest to take place Friday at the Capitol building in Denver, Colorado.

The Colorado Department of Public Safety sent out an alert reading: “CDPS: CSP is expecting a large protest on 7/24/2020 on the West steps of the State Capitol. Please avoid the area beginning 3:00 PM.”

As of around 3:40 p.m. on Thursday, chaos already appeared to afflict the Democrat-controlled area with CDPS sending out a second alert stating: “CDPS: There is police activity at 14th and Broadway. Please avoid the area. CSP is on scene, and monitoring.”

First-Hand Experience with Chaotic Capitol Occurences

I have been working at the Colorado Capitol since the beginning of the 2020 legislative session, which started in January and has seen first-hand the de-evolution of the Centennial State’s capital city.

Homeless camps blanket the surrounding parks, grotesque graffiti lines the building walls, and bullet hole-ridden windows are boarded up.

ANTIFA and BLM Descend on Colorado

ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter rioters have been allowed to vandalize and terrorize the area for months under the leadership of Colorado Governor Jared Polis, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, and Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen.

Polis has taken it upon himself to strip away civil liberties from residents and call on any of his constituents who choose not to wear a mask a “selfish bastard,” but when it comes to mobs of thugs beating innocent Americans in his state, his silence is deafening.

On Sunday, peaceful gatherers held a permitted Pro Police Rally near the Capitol building when a violent mob descended and attacked.

Video footage shows police officers sitting back and watching the beatings occur and was later revealed by Denver police union president Nick Rogers that there was a “stand-down order.”

To this, Mayor Hancock and Police Chief Pazen are willingly muzzled, but when it comes to BLM thugs wreaking havoc on their city, don’t you dare mess with them. They have both walked side by side through the streets with BLM agitators but have stood down when innocent gatherers were senselessly beaten.

Stark Warnings for the CO Capitol Tomorrow

As to what exactly will happen tomorrow with the big riot planned tomorrow is still to be seen. Tensions are rising and if the past riots give any clue to what may occur, it is quite fathomable to believe total anarchy might descend on downtown Denver.

As of Monday, the damages to the Capitol building exceed $1 million. 

Staff has been told to stay away and were told that windows are being re-boarded to prepare for tomorrow.

I’ve called Colorado home for the entirety of my life, and now areas in this once great state currently resemble a third-world war-torn country. We have the current Democratic leadership to thank for that.

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