Huge RINO Group Busted!

After spending any time on #Resistance Twitter, most people are familiar with the political action committee populated with longtime RINO strategists known as the Lincoln Project. But does anyone really know where their money goes?

Since the Lincoln Project was founded last year by the few NeverTrump Republicans left in politics, its sole goal has been to take down President Trump and anyone in Congress who supports him.

If anyone still believes these people are Republicans, taking one look at how this RINO (Republican In Name Only) group has joined with the Democrats to fight against Republican causes, and true Republicans in government, should change their mind.

Here’s one of their attack ads against veteran and Senator from Iowa, Joni Ernst:


The Lincoln Project has taken in $58 million in donations in less than a year, with $39 million of that just from the third quarter of 2020.

Federal Election Commission filings have shown that large amounts of Lincoln Project donations goes directly into the firms of the men who founded it.

According to the latest FEC filing from the group, in the third quarter the Lincoln Project paid co-founder Reed Galen’s firm $18.8 million, co-founder Ron Steslow’s firm $8.7 million, and senior advisor Kurt Bardella’s firm $153,000.

It is unknown how much of the donations represent profit, and how much the co-founders are being paid. Some of the money goes to costs of creating ads and paying for them to run on various media outlets, and some has gone towards a new website for reporting and mapping “voter suppression.”

Some donors are frustrated at the amount of money being paid to the co-founders, when they assumed the majority of the money would go into defeating Trump.

President Trump commented on the previous FEC filings from the Lincoln Project on Twitter, stating: “Most of the money raised by the RINO losers of the so-called ‘Lincoln Project’, goes into their own pockets.”

The Lincoln Project has so far not responded to requests for comment.

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