Hezbollah doesn’t really want a ceasefire, they just want the Israelis to stop killing them until they can regroup. They can’t seem to find their latest commander but parts of his body should be around there somewhere. If they were serious about ending hostilities, they would stop firing their own rockets. They haven’t.
Hezbollah begs for ceasefire
Hezbollah can’t find their current commander but aren’t willing to admit that he’s dead yet. Meanwhile, the orders are coming from Deputy Secretary General Naim Qassem.
At the same time they’re launching one salvo of rockets after another into Israel, he’s begging for a ceasefire. He can’t possibly be serious.
If Hezbollah honestly wanted an end to the conflict, they would stop firing. They’re paid to do it by Iran’s Ayatollah but continue to insist they’re attacking Israeli territory “to show solidarity with Hamas.”
If they continue their current course, Lebanon will soon look like the Gaza strip. Nothing but mud and rubble.
Everyone is waiting for the next moves by Israel and Iran. It’s obvious that they’re the only two players that matter in this game. Hezbollah, like Hamas and the Houthis in Yemen, are only pawns.
The Ayatollah is deep in a bunker he hopes Israel doesn’t know about. He’s afraid to make a big strike because Israel will use it as an excuse to nuke Tehran. If he doesn’t make a big strike, Israel may nuke Isfahan. That’s where he stashes the centrifuges. Iran’s second largest city is home to the Fuel Plate Fabrication Plant and the uranium conversion facility.

Softening their stance
Expert observers read a lot into the speech de facto Hezbollah leader Qussem issued on Monday. “We support the political efforts led by Berri under the banner of achieving a ceasefire. Once the ceasefire is firmly established and diplomacy can reach it, all other details will be discussed and decisions will be made collaboratively.”
He was referring to Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri. The experts noticed that “Qassem did not mention a Gaza ceasefire as a condition for achieving one in Lebanon.”
This is the second time Qassem was pushed out in front of the cameras “since Israel assassinated Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah late last month.” They’ve been “conducting limited ground incursions into southern Lebanon.” It’s clear that they’re out hunting the terrorists who have “continued to fire rockets into northern Israel.”
Morale is beginning to drop. Not only is their latest commander missing in action, the previous one was bombed in his bunker. Nobody has any way of communicating with HQ, because tens of thousands of their soldiers had their arms blown off by exploding pagers and radios. Those were both a sudden and nasty surprise.
Nabih Berri, as leader of the Shiite Amal party, is handling Hezbollah as a client in Joe Biden’s useless ceasefire negotiations. Last week, Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib related that “Nasrallah had agreed to a temporary ceasefire that was called for by U.S. President Joe Biden, his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron and other allies during last month’s UN General Assembly. Soon after, he was assassinated by Israel.”
That’s a lie! Tzipi Hotovely, the Israeli ambassador to the UK, replied. “Nasrallah hadn’t agreed to a ceasefire.” Habib’s claim is “ridiculous.” He can get away with it because Nasrallah isn’t around to dispute it.