
GOP OUTRAGED by New Voting Law

The right to vote is a cherished right and it is one that should only be extended to citizens.

That, however, is no longer the case in some states.

Connecticut is the latest state to allow non-citizens to vote.

 Hear Their Voice

Illegal immigrants, by their very nature, are criminals.

In this country, felony criminals lose some of the rights that are guaranteed to law-abiding citizens.

One of those rights is the right to vote.

Ironically, illegal immigrants in some states, have that right for city and state elections, and Connecticut is hoping to add itself to that list.

State Rep. Juan Candelaria, a Democrat, stated, “When we talk about undocumented individuals, they are part of our fabric of this nation and of the state… They’re part of the community and they should have a voice.”

Actually, no, they are not part of the fabric of our nation; that would be legal immigrants, but why let two letters get in the way.

He continued, “People might not be amicable to this idea, and I respect that opinion, but at least by having the process, we can have the dialogue and we can have the debate. And that’s all I want.”

Vermont passed a similar bill about two years ago, and that is currently tied up in the courts.

I would expect much the same if this legislation gets the governor’s signature.

Source: Fox News

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