Former Keystone XL Pipeline Worker Talks About the Real Problems Behind Our Energy Crisis

Former Keystone XL Pipeline Worker Exposes What is Really Going On

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker is speaking out about the serious problems that the American people are now facing thanks to the energy crisis.

According to Neal Crabtree, a welder who lost his job when Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, the energy industry “tried to warn” Joe Biden against policies that would hinder U.S. oil and gas production – policies that he says have caused the country’s growing energy crisis.

“We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline” that it was also “canceling national security, foreign policy and energy,” Crabtree told Fox News. “They all kinda go hand-in-hand.”

According to reporting by The Blaze:

The national average price for gasoline is now $4.25 per gallon, the highest ever recorded, according to the American Automobile Association. The White House has pointed to the ongoing war in Ukraine and sanctions against the Russian economy as causes for the surging fuel prices, noting that Russia is a major international exporter of energy. Biden on Tuesday announced that the U.S. would ban Russian oil and gas imports, a move he acknowledged would punish Russia’s energy sector at the cost of even higher fuel prices for Americans.

Joe Biden has called on U.S. energy companies to refrain from “profiteering or price gouging,” while also blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine for causing the energy crisis.

“Since Putin began his military buildup on Ukrainian borders – just since then – the price of gas at pumps in America went up 75 cents,” Biden claimed. “And with this action it’s going to go up further.”

Crabtree disputes the those claims. “Even if we can fix the Ukrainian problem, the prices are still going up,” the former Keystone XL worker said on Fox News, adding that Biden’s “policies have everything to do with the rising fuel prices in this country today.

“It has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine,” Crabtree added.

As one of his first acts after taking office, Joe Biden issued a moratorium on new federal oil and gas leases and permits, and ordered a review of existing permits for fossil fuel development to demonstrate his commitment to fighting climate change.

Biden’s executive actions on climate change have limited oil and gas production, which has obviously contributed to rising prices, but the White House refuses to accept responsibility for their actions, instead trying to blame all of these issues on Russia and/or the oil companies.

During a recent press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki insisted that the Biden administration is not opposed to oil and gas production, and claimed that U.S. energy companies are at fault for not drilling.

“Federal policies are not limiting the supplies of oil and gas,” she told reporters.

According to The Blaze, “White House officials have pointed out that the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects American crude oil production to rise to an average of 12 million barrels per day in 2022, approaching the 2019 pre-pandemic high of 12.3 million barrels per day, and then hit a new record-high of 13 million barrels per day in 2023.”

“There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used, so the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate,” Psaki said. “I would suggest you ask the oil companies why they’re not using those if there’s a desire to drill more.”

Energy companies responded to the press secretary’s comments, accusing her of misleading Americans with a “red herring” argument.

“That accusation is a complete red herring,” American Exploration & Production Council (AXPC) CEO Anne Bradbury said in an interview with FOX Business. “It’s really a distraction from the fact that this administration has paused leasing on federal lands, something that we’re concerned about and something that we think needs to continue right away.”

American Petroleum Institute (API) president and CEO Mike Sommers also responded, saying that Psaki appears to misunderstand how the process works. “Once you lease land there is a whole process that you have to go through. First you have to actually discover whether actually there is oil and gas in that land. Second of all, you have to get a permit to actually develop that land,” he explained to Fox Business.

“Right now we actually are developing more leases than we have in two decades so the White House certainly doesn’t have their facts straight on this,” Sommers added.

Crabtree responded to this argument as well: “There’s no energy company [that’s] gonna spend the money to develop a new lease if they can’t build a pipeline to move the project,” he told Fox News.

He also called out the Biden administration for their plans to approach Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to buy oil and potentially Iran as well, pending the renewed nuclear deal.

“When I’d first seen the reports of the president going to places like Iran and Venezuela to ask for more oil output, I said ‘this is fake news, he hasn’t gone this far off the rocker,’” Crabtree said. “But I guess that’s the path they want to take.”

“Why not invite North Korea?” the former Keystone XL worker asked. “Maybe they’ve got a few barrels of oil that they can spare?”


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