Whenever you follow the money, you learn the truth. Never mind the cloak and dagger, innuendo-laden, illegal data-driven fictional narratives that Clinton Campaign and Obama DoJ attempted to use. Those sad, obviously fraudulent attempts to link President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin’s Russia from day one.
Those fabrications have been repeatedly proven false and under the Durham investigation. are being revealed as being the culmination of an immense Clinton-funded hacking scandal.
But we’ve found out that when you follow the trail of dirty money from the Kremlin in Moscow, it leads not to Trump but to California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell, and his partisan overlords House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).
Democrats And Their Dirty Money From Russia
We’ll start with Fang Fang’s favorite… intel source, Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) who in spite of being caught up in a Guó’ānbù (Chinese Ministry of State Security) ‘honeypot’ scheme disgracefully sits on the House Intelligence Committee according to The Washington Free Beacon,
” received $2,900 last year from Vincent Roberti Sr., the chairman of lobbying powerhouse Roberti Global. Roberti gave $5,400 to Swalwell’s campaign in 2018. Roberti Global received $2.4 million in 2021 from Nord Stream 2 AG, a Switzerland-based subsidiary of Russian oil giant Gazprom.”
That would mean that… Swalwell has been compromised by not one… but TWO of America’s greatest existential threats: both the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian Federation under former KGB-strongman Vladimir Putin!
This is the very same man who lapped up the russia-gate anti-Trump lies greedily and even had the nerve to call Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) a “pro-Putin enabler”.
Communications Director for the Claremont Institute Nick Short summed it up nicely.
Cruz was considered a “Putin enabler” by Swalwell for daring to criticize Biden for relaxing sanctions on Nord Stream 2 back in December. Yet, Swalwell took maximum campaign donations from a top lobbyist for Nord Stream 2. Projection much Eric? https://t.co/WmPjrQZfjv https://t.co/irLoJF0Ex9
— Nick Short (@PoliticalShort) February 23, 2022
Mr. Roberti it turns out hasn’t limited his funding to just Swalwell, hardly. In fact, he is one of Washington, D.C.’s movers and shakers, a well-known, generous supporter of the Democratic Party.
In 2020 he donated to the campaigns of both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Notably, Schumer quite dutifully blocked Cruz’s attempts to reimpose sanctions on Nord Stream 2 that Joe Biden had rolled back. According to some reports, Roberti has even been known to support Joe Biden from time to time, directly facilitating his transportation from DC to a fundraiser in Connecticut.