Breaking: Top Attorney Claims They Have the 'Smoking Gun' That PROVES Trump Won!

Breaking: Top Attorney Claims They Have the ‘Smoking Gun’ That PROVES Trump Won!

Prominent Atlanta-based attorney Lin Wood has announced that the Trump campaign attorneys have the ‘smoking guns’ to prove President Trump won the 2020 election.

Attorney Lin Wood, widely known for representing Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann, says that after spending the day with Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell, he is confident that she and Attorney Rudy Giuliani have the proof the Trump campaign needs.

In a Newsmax TV interview with Howie Carr, Wood explained that he is assisting in the Trump campaign’s legal fight in an unofficial capacity.

“I’ve seen sworn affidavits, I’ve seen sworn video statements. I think that Rudy and Sidney have done a magnificent job in a short period of time of piecing together a solid legal case on what was intended to be a complicated scheme of fraud as it relates to the voting machines,” Wood told Carr, referring to the equipment used by the Canada-based company Dominion Voting Systems.

Attorney Sidney Powell has also said that she and her team are preparing to release evidence that will “overturn election results in multiple states,” claiming the election software switched “millions of votes” from Trump to Biden.

“When you boil it down, it simply amounts to the fact that the United States of America was relying on voting machines that were subject to manipulation,” Wood said.

“Things are going to be rapidly developing over the course of the next few days, because the evidence of the computer voting fraud is mounting daily,” he added.

Last week, Wood said he was 100% confident that Joe Biden will never become president of the United States. Carr asked him on Monday if he is still as confident as he was last week.

“To answer that would be unequivocally yes,” Wood replied. “I was 100% confident last week, so I can’t say I’m more confident. But just for the sake of trying to tell you where I am in terms of the information I’m aware of, let’s just say I’m 105% confident this week.”

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