A terrorist bombing attack disrupted the evacuation of Americans from Kabul and the information is still pouring in rapidly. The latest up to the minute reports coming out of Kabul indicate that one or possibly two Taliban or ISIS-K members strapped on high explosives and blasted off to paradise. In the process they “killed at least 13 people, including children, and left at least three US soldiers and dozens of others wounded.”
Suicide bombing in Kabul
The first explosion of the morning happened at the Airport’s main entrance gate, designated ” Abbey Gate.” More recent reports have referred to “twin suicide attacks outside Kabul’s airport.” In the first attack bombing, an insurgent “detonated a suicide vest — just hours after an ISIS terror attack warning was issued.”
Soon after, a “second blast was reported soon after outside the nearby Baron Hotel.” That one may have been IED, suicide bomber, or both. Pentagon officials are noting. The Taliban verifies that by their count, “at least 13 people, including children, were killed and ‘many’ Taliban guards were injured in the explosions.”
Pentagon press secretary John Kirby rushed in front of TV cameras to explain details of the bombing. “We can confirm that the explosion at the Abbey Gate was the result of a complex attack that resulted in a number of US & civilian casualties. We can also confirm at least one other explosion at or near the Baron Hotel, a short distance from Abbey Gate.”
We know for sure that at least “three US troops were injured, including one who was seriously wounded.” The official told Reuters to expect those numbers to go up.
At the local emergency room staff are “treating more than 30 who were wounded in the explosions.” Antony “never say Saigon around me again” Blinken, our alleged Secretary of State admits that “up to 1,500 US citizens remain stranded” and may not make it out before the deadline.
Anyone left behind will tortured and killed. Bombing attacks on the way to the airport which disrupt things even further aren’t helping.
Blood soaked people
The images coming from the ground are disturbing. So are the eyewitness accounts of “blood-soaked people being treated at the scene.”
One local who was on scene at the first bombing emphasized “some people appeared to be missing body parts after the blast.” Another was emotionally devastated after “a young girl died in his arms.”
Imperial Leader Joe Biden has been briefed on the bombing attacks and isn’t expected to say a whole lot about it. The Taliban are “in control.” At least that’s what CIA Director William Burns reported after his high-profile and not so secret dangerous meeting behind enemy lines with the top Taliban commander.
According to palace officials, His Wisdom “was in a security meeting about the Afghanistan situation when the first attack occurred.” He probably watched it happen live on satellite camera feed.
Everybody knew this was coming. U.S. spooks and our allies have “been warning of a possible terror attack by ISIS-K — the Afghan arm of ISIS — as the Aug. 31 deadline to withdraw from the country approaches.” The Taliban said it was okay to take until 9/11 but ISIS vetoed that idea and they want America to know they aren’t welcome.
Embassy officials are warning everyone to stay far away from the airport until they get word to move. And then, for God’s sake, bring your travel papers. You could survive a bombing on the way but not get a plane out because you don’t have the right forms on you.