
BREAKING: All Eyes on Arizona Audit Results

Over twelve hours before the official release of the Arizona State Senate’s Forensic Audit of the 2020 Election, the leftist mainstream media, no doubt fed the information attempted to short-circuit the SEISMIC impact of the audit by corruptly and falsely reporting “Arizona GOP’s Election Audit Confirms Biden Win in State” and “Election audit hand count shows Biden won Maricopa County, no evidence of voter fraud“. The mainstream reports couldn’t possibly be further from the truth. The one kernel of truth in the leftists’ body of reportage is that the recount did indeed show more votes for Joe Biden, unmistakably in fact. But there is a bit of a problem with that analysis from our countrymen on the left: You’re only supposed to count the LEGAL BALLOTS. The left is seriously afraid of the AZAuditResults and it shows.

The ACTUAL Report on the AZAuditResults

ARIZONA: Maricopa Audit Reveals Thousands of Discrepancies with Ballot Forms, Serious Integrity Issues

In all actuality numbers revealed by the CyberNinja, CyFIR and EchoMail tell a far different story, and it’s one that is truly damning to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. Incompetence is insufficient to explain these discrepancies. Here are the highlights of Critical, High, and Medium impact categories:

  • 23,344 ballots voted and were counted from a prior address after the cutoff date of October 5th in Violation of ARS Title 16 Chapter 4 Article 8 §16-542
  • 9,041 more ballots were returned and counted than were mailed out.
  • 5,295 ballots “potentially voted in multiple counties”
  • 3,432 ballots do not match the person that voted.
  • 2,592 more duplicate ballots were counted than were recorded as duplicated.
  • 2,382 ballots came from In-Person Voters who had moved out of Maricopa County
  • 2,081 ballots came from voters who moved out of Arizona during the 29-day period preceding the election.
  • 1,551 more ballots were cast on election day than people showed up to vote, confirmed by Precincts.
  • 282 ballots were cast from deceased voters

The CyFir Forensic analysis of the voting systems showed voting computers were capable of being accessed by the Internet and remote access was enabled and “significant internet history recovered from unallocated space” in addition to multiple FUNDAMENTAL FAILURES in the most BASIC IT security measures.

  • “Clear Intentional Overwriting” of 38,478 of the Security Logs by the EMSADMIN (Election Management System Administration) Account.
  • 865 directories and 85,673 Election-Related Files (scanned ballots, .dvd files, slog.txt files, etc) Deleted Between 10/28/20 and 11/05/20
  • 9,571 Directories and 1,064,746 Election-Related Files Were Deleted Between 11/01/20 and 03/16/21
  • 304 Directories and 59,387 Files Containing Election Data Deleted From the HiPro Scanner 1 on 3 March 2021
  • 1,016 Directories and 196,463 Files Containing Election Data Deleted From the HiPro Scanner 3 on 3 March 2021
  • 981 Directories and 191,295 Files Containing Election Data Deleted From the HiPro Scanner 4 on 3 March 2021
  • 2/1/2021 – SQL Logs Indicate That the RTRAdmin Account Purged the General Election Results from the Database THE DAY BEFORE THE AUDIT STARTED
  • Windows Access Logs Don’t have a Corresponding Entry WHAT WERE THEY  HIDING?
  • Failed to Perform Basic OS Patch Management
  • Failed to Update AntiVirus Definitions
  • EAC Certification Defense is NOT Valid In View of the Evidence
    • 4 .exe Files Created After Dominion Software Install
    • 45 .exe Files Modified After Dominion Software Install
    • 377 .dll Files Created After Dominion Software Install
    • 1053 .dll Files Modified After Dominion Software Install
  • Log Management – Failed to Preserve Security Logs
  • Credential Management – Shared Accounts and Common Passwords
  • Failed to Establish and Monitor Host Baseline
  • Failed to Establish and Monitor Network Communications Baseline

In total: 57,734 ballots have been marked by the Audit as being suspect. According to the Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs: Joe Biden won the 2020 Election by a margin of 10,457 votes.

Lauren Chen known as Roaming Millennial said it best:

“The left keeps reporting that the AZ audit confirms Biden’s win. But that is literally the opposite of what the report says. Biden won the state by around 10,500 votes, and there were over 57,000 problematic ballots uncovered…”

Now That The Results Are In, It’s Time For Action

Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers announced shortly after the hearing at the State Capital that she and other State legislators are issuing “A New Declaration Of Independence” calling for “Forensic Audits in all Fifty states” and the immediate decertification of Arizona’s electoral college vote as well as a convening of the US House of Representatives to conduct a contingency vote in place of the invalid electoral college certification. State Senator Sonny Borelli described that “we’ve lit the Prairie on fire” suggesting that fire will spread to Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and beyond.

As Rogers and her colleagues closed their letter,

“This is a historic obligation to restore the election integrity of the vote as the bedrock of our constitutional republic.

If we do not have accurate and fair elections, we do not have a country.”


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